White Wine Sapphire



1 year, 17 days ago


White Wine Sapphire



Gem Placement

Right Palm

Era Made

Era 1


Librarian & Oracle



MoHs Scale



Got via Trade

A very formal Sapphire who has found herself among the ranks of the Sunrise Court as one of many Sapphire. White Wine is the owner of the Empire’s biggest library, home to most of the Empire's knowledge that can’t be found in Empyrean Beetle’s library within their Ether Spire. White Wine’s future vision is used for historial recording but also future recordings. Anything that has happened and will happen comes from this Sapphire's mouth and many attendants will write down their predictions. Being able to see both the future and past has placed White Wine in a very valuable position and using it to record history even more so. While she isn’t as high ranking as some of the other Sapphires in the Empire, she is definitely up there. However she isn’t all work, there is a side other that is fun and play, this is often reflected in the small tea parties she hosts with Empyrean Beetle in which the two will hire a bunch of Spinels and laugh and generally have a blast together over tea and cake.

Knowledge is the center of everything, don't doubt it's worth.

- White Wine Sapphire

The Sunrise Court


  • Her library is called the House of Knowledge and is located on the same moon in which Sunrise Diamond’s palace is.
  • As it stands, she likely has the most pearls out of anyone in the Empire due to the number of tasks that are needed to be done around her library.
  • She has two personal Zircons, Ebony Librarian who is her main one and Monochrome who after a long history of “accidents”, White Wine doesn’t trust as much.
  • White Wine absolutely adores Spinels even though most elites don’t, she dreams to one day have a garden of her own to play with them in every day.