


1 year, 28 days ago


The beach is bustling with cats today! Everyone's either laying on the sand or frolicking in the wet sand. Almost every cat looks content. Of course, a few cats aren't happy.
For example, the long-furred chimera cat standing close to the shore. They're not afraid to voice their displeasure to their friend, who's amused by the cat's hatred for the beach. Or more specifically, the water on the beach.
You can hear the cat complain about how the water weighs down its fur and makes them smell awful, while their bestie laughs and says that the water "isn't 
that bad".
The half-and-half feline spots you, and calls you over to settle the debate: is water good or bad?

Uh. Erm. Well...

Both felines look at you expectantly, waiting for you to settle the debate.
You don't want to pick sides, so you argue that water can be both good and bad.

The two cats look at each other before nodding. A very fair argument indeed.
The chimera cat drags itself away from the water to watch other cats frolic without risking getting wet themselves.
The fishy feline in the water invites you to do some swimming, which you respectfully decline since you're not in a swimmy mood. The cat gives an understanding nod, trotting out of the water. They announce that they're going to join their buddy and maybe build a sand statue or two. That sounds better than swimming, even though the sand can get equally as messy as water.

For a couple more hours, you and the two cats mold each other out of wet sand. They're not the best, but hey! It's the thought that counts.

- Long Fur
- Short Ears
- Long Tail
- Claw/Hand Tail
- Pale Fur
- Slit Pupils
And Fish Features!