


1 year, 25 days ago



Name SharpPaw
Past Name/s SharpKit
Gender Cisgender


Sexuality Heterosexual


Age 9 Moons
Designer UNKNOWN
Theme Song N/A
Value $25.00


Rank Apprentice


Clan StoneClan
Mentor FrostBreath
Apprentice/s N/A
Parent 1 Unknown
Parent 2 Unknown
Sibling/s N/A
Kit/s N/A


[ Name ] Relationship

Explain the relationship a little bit!

"StoneClan is obviously the best clan! We are the strongest cats in the entirety of the territories!"

SharpPaw is a strongwilled apprentice of StoneClan. He believes in his clans superiourity over the others and will do anything he can to defend his clan both in a literal and metaphorical sense.

SharpKit was born into a large family with multiple brothers and sisters. All being the same age, they were extremely tough on each other as well as competitive. He was the youngest and the runt of the litter. As such, he worked extra hard to prove himself. He was the first of his siblings to scale the smaller hill within camp. A hill often used for training kits to climb. The hostile environment of their home made this skill even more important to them.

At 4 moons old, he noticed how the clan seemed to be harsh and unkind to those who didn't assert themselves. Noticing this behavior he began to mimic it as he grew. Often times he was harsh with his siblings and refused to help them. At around 5 moons, a hawk actually tried to snatch a younger kit who was out playing. Small SharpKit did his best to fight it off. He didn't get much more than a few deep cuts along his sides. He managed to actually get a few feathers from the hawk, keeping them with him as a souvenir.

He turned 6 moons soon after. On that day he was given his apprentice name, SharpPaw. The leader praised his bravery and asked that FrostBreath, the clan deputy, be his mentor. This made SharpPaw proud. Now he is training hard to prove he is a strong warrior that will be able to protect the clan. He has yet to go to a meeting of the 5 clans. Most of the time only 4 or 5 cats went. It was a 2 day journey for the cats of StoneClan. Due to this they could not afford to send more than 4 or 5 people to the meeting.


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