Lain's Comments

could I also offer on this one? they’re super rad! could do pretty much anyone outside truesonas excluding a few, I’d recommend sorting by all (a couple are in unused folders)

I wouldn’t accept any offers on her, sowwy :) 

do you mind if i make fanart :o !

Omg feel free!!! ty for asking



just sliding in to say I'm OBSESSED this design has got me in a chokehold 💥 serval gang rise up 

THANK UUU serval gang or die

shiit u know what? I was slightly sad I didn't get this guy (think we were in a bidding war? dunno but I was offering on the OG sale) but now I'm seeing all the new art and I'm like "[looking politely]"

glad she is being put to use at least >:D

Lol we totally were in a bidding war i was so stressed when the 24 hours was almost up!! hahaha thank you a ton she is my whole world rn 

would like to be auth