


1 year, 1 month ago


Personal data

Name: Cloudias (Clou-di-as)

Nicknames: Cloud

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Sexual orientation: Homosexual

Status: Alive

Species: Aoire

Coat type: Smooth  

Age: 3- first appearance 17-after timeskip

Character information

Birthday: Unknown

Birthplace: Unknown

Rank: Lead warrior

Social status: Highborn

Allegiance: Acelan Clan

Mate: None

Offspring: None

Parents: Raila (adopted Mother) Soran (adopted father)

Other relations: Eira (adopted sister) Leck (adopted brother) Henrik (adopted brother)

First Appearance: Prolog


Cloud is curious and a bit stubborn. He is heroic and just, he has a great dislike for unfairness and injustice. He can be sassy among friends but his honorable nature does that he would never mock anyone he would be fighting unless he knows them personally.


Cloud´s past is a mystery, it is known that he came from the savage Deepden clan, but this fact is only known by Marco, Sam, Raila, Saga and Tosso. The rest of the clan just know him as a pup who was abandoned by the clan border. Because he was adopted by a highborn family he also became a highborn. He grew up with a lot of friends and is well liked by the clan.


Cloud is a fully grown Aoire, with pure white pelt except a black and brown head split in the middle. On the brown side of his face he has black markings under his eyes and a black ear. His eyes are green, with the right eye having yellow in it as well. He has a medium long mane on the center of his forehead.


Cloud is an agile and fast runner. He is a talented fighter.


.Cloud was first created in around 2013-2014 being part of the original story of Howls from Valhalla which files were later lost. Then Cadinion started to rework the story again and since she did not remember everything from the original story fused with an older story there was called Legend of Hoko.

.Cloud was originally all white with scars.

.His new design was created in 2022.