


Basic Info


10 FPP on July 27, 2020


The Hermit

Name Wisteria
Age 37
Birthdate February 19, 1740
Gender Male
Species Coywolf
Race Métis (French & Odawa)
Occupation Hermit
MBTI ???
Alignment Neutral good
Temperament Melancholic


  • Solitude
  • Flowers
  • Hard work
  • Snow
  • Fresh-caught fish


  • People
  • Being tricked
  • Snakes
  • Rain
  • Tight clothes

distrusting . idealistic . reserved

setting: Province of Quebec (Michigan), 1777

Wisteria is the name he chose for himself; he doesn't hate his father's people (the French) but he ran away to the wilderness rather than fight in the French army against the English, so taking a name from their language felt apt. It's his mother's people he feels the most connection to though. She died when he was young, so his knowledge is shallower than it might be. As it is, he just knows he's different from other men. Rather than face it head-on, he chose to flee; now that the war is over (though another looms on the horizon) he could go back, but he doesn't want to. He never fit in either at the fort or the city. French or British, that won't have changed.

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