seraphine πŸŒ·πŸ‡



1 year, 19 days ago





She/he angelbun that's had a rough upbringing, but now lives comfortably in the care of Post Mortem.

( about )

Seraphine Mortimer is a kind soul loved by many, popular for her connections but adored for her outward beauty and sweet shyness. She's best friends with the two stars of Oshine- Shrapnel Soraya and Button Star- and, too, the adoptive younger brother of Iszmael Vastrey. On top of these connections, he is married to the widely regarded Postellius Mortimer. It'd be hard to find someone who doesn't know of him, though this doesn't mean he's been changed by the many eyes on him. Phine is still a shy and caring soul who cowers from the cameras, and it's because of these that her friends and family love her so much. <3





likes β™‘ ~('β–½^δΊΊ)

  • Posting online. Phine loves capturing the moment and posting about it.
  • Affection. Seraphine accepts love and affection from just anyone, always hugging fans.
  • Quality time. He loves nothing more than spending time with loved ones, and can be quite clingy.
  • Retail therapy. He loves going shopping, much to Mort's dismay.

dislikes β”Œβˆ©β”(β—£_β—’)β”Œβˆ©β”

  • Strong smells/loud sounds. Phine has sensitive hearing and a sharp nose.
  • Crowded spaces. Phine is horrified to get lost on her own, and hates being bunched in between people.
  • violent media. He's very queasy and can't stand them.
  • Disrespectful people. He doesn't like when he or others gets disrespected, and will stand up for anybody.

( trivia )

  • Flexibility. Phine is scarily flexible and double-jointed in many placesΒ 
  • Tourette's. Β Shares the same tics as me (projecting) (brainrot)
  • Has seen every cooking show I think Too long for the likes section BUT has seen EVERY cooking show but cannot cook for her life. Hopes Mort's teachings will finally fulfill her aspiration to be a chef one day (never)
  • Music taste. Β He's all cute until you ask for his headphones and he's listening to Machine Girl and Black Dresses and Lemon Demon and Ghost and Pals and Vane Lily and RIProducer and Joey Valence and Brae all at the same time
  • Voiceclaim. Β his vc is IFE DISLYTE!! i dont CARE ife is a GIRL
Maid. name Vastrey
Alias(es) Phine/y, Sera
Age Appears ~20
Race Black/Hispanic
Sex Male
Orientation GAY!!!
Height 5'6"

( important )

ヽ(>βˆ€<β˜†)γƒŽ Current target of my brainrot !! I'll make her a character ai one day.. likely never ufo (edit OUUUU)

I PROJECT ON HER A LOT !!! she is so me and i am so him if you dont like him you dont like ME

( Warning for child marriage & trauma )

i. childhood

Seraphine never had a great relationship with his parents, as he didn't spend a lot of time with them. He was given away at a young age, as he was the child of an affair. He doesn't remember his parents' faces because of this, nor does he want to. He fears that his parents may find him one day, and he won't know until it's too late.

Because he was alienated from his parents as a young kit, he never learned Spanish. He barely spoke until he was taught English through classes and through his ex-husband, so he sometimes stumbled over his words and forgot which words mean what.

Diary entry i miss mommy and daddy (*crude drawing of a frowning face*) im not allowed to talk of them


Seraphine's family was a poor one living on the planet Oryctolagus, doing whatever they could for money. Eventually desperation led to his mother getting pregnant by another man, and all of the offspring were sold off to wealthy men to be wed. Phine was among these, never knowing his siblings too well before they were all seperated. His husband was a cruel man, caring not for his tears and teaching him discipline relatively fast. She did everything she was told; wore everything she was told to wear, went everywhere she was demanded to go, say everything he was instructed to say. She lived in captivity, but she learned to accept and love her husband.

ii. peak

Every angel has the peak in their life when their body eventually stops aging, and Seraphine's was around her 20s. Relatively common, but she took this as a sign to begin to turn her life around. At 19 she was allowed social media and she learned of Earth, threatening her family with disfiguring herself to make them take her to the planet to see the sights. Eventually they gave in and they moved to Oshine, where she finally got to meet new people. It was at this age he met all his close friends, and eventually his future husband, Mort.

Instagram post Finally seeing #Oshine for the first time!!! οΌΌ(≧▽≦)/ ✧ If anyone wants to link up, dm me!! I'd love to make friends and explore!


He met Shrapnel Reyore-Onu at a club with her husband, the two got along from Shrapnel recognizing him from his posts. Starstuck, Seraphine couldn't believe that one of the most popular people in Oshine not only knew of him, but recognized him as well. They talked into the night, and from then on became best friends.

Shrapnel became worried, concerned as to why Phine was so jumpy and why she had scars and seemed to be in pain on random days. He was suspicious of Phine's husband and kept a close eye on her, until he finally sat her down and had a long talk about her past. Tears were shared between the two as Phine finally felt the comfort of having a friend she could unload her trauma on, cementing their friendship for as long as they both lived. He'd die for Shrapnel if he could, forever loyal to the amaris and vowing since that day to be his platonic soulmate.

Not long later, Phine's husband was dead. It was chalked up to an underlying health condition, and she was finally free. Shrapnel invited him to live with star in the city, and that they did.

iii. now

Shrapnel introduced Phine to Iszmael Vastrey, and the two hit it off since. They grew close on a different level, and eventually Mael adopted Phine and became his guardian-- though the two see each other as brothers. The three are near inseperable, talking everyday and going to each other whenever they need advice. They operate as a council, and nothing happens to one person that the other two don't know about and give their opinions on.

They're always there for each other, all of which being at each other's parties and celebrations. Phine and Iszmael were both Shrapnel's bridesmaid, and Shrapnel was Phine's bridesmaid in turn as Iszmael walked her down the isle. Their families are his families, and he's even the godfather of Shrapnel's kids.

Blog post Feeling blessed (´q‒ Ο‰ ‒q`) β™‘ Everyone remember to drink water and take care of yourselves !! You're worth it !


Phine fell in love in Post Mortem the day she went to him for help after her old family tried to pin the blame of her ex-husband's death on her. Turns out, they went to him first, but he eventually decided to help Phine win the case, instead. Seraphine was conditioned by her ex-husband to think that gratitude meant sex, so in return for Mort helping her win the case, they had sex before they even went on their first date. Looking back, he's extremely embarrassed about it, but he's glad it happened. He realized how touch-starved Mort was and they soon went on their first date, and the rest is history. They got married, and live in the mountains of Oshine in a beautiful villa way too big for only two people to be living in.

( relations )




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