


1 year, 4 days ago


Probably around 500
Shark Siren
Bad Guy Siren


She is a manipulative siren, always wanting more and more to have something to eat and satisfy her voracious hunger. She seems rather polite and distinguished but it's all fake. With that fake image of a passionned person, she lures people to eat them.

Under her manipulative traits, she is quite a solitary type. She doesn't have friends since everyone fears her. She uses that truth to lure people and have empathy towards her, but in the end, she eats them no matter what as she can't control her animal instinct. She does show some signs of solitude and loneliness sometimes because of that.

Aw dear ! Why won't you spend some time with me ? Mh~?


She is the daughter of the Megalodon himself, named Carcharok. Unfortunately, he is very strict towards her, always asking her to perpetuate the good old ways of Megalodons : they must always eat what’s on their path. Never be against your animal instincts. Always bring fear to your preys etc

Unfortunately, those ways prevent her from finding friends. She is quite lonely on her own. She doesn’t spend time with her dad, as he is quite strict and not friendly enough to have some good time with. That’s why sometimes, she ventures on her own, trying to make some friends.

She lures people to be away from the crowd, then, she manipulates them to stay with her. Unfortunately, at the end, it’s always the same pattern. Because of her animal instinct, she always eats their “soon to be” friends. Everytime this happens, she feels like she won’t ever find a friend who she won’t ever try to eat with. She blames her father for this. Her animal instincts come from him obviously.

Now she alterns between two lifestyles. One where she simply causes chaos to eat (destroy ships for example) and the second one where she tries to find someone for her.

She eats humans and pretty much everything.
She can turn into a human. She only has legs instead of her tail
She is lesbian and probably pansexual
birth date is the 29th of December 2022
She is 39ft 4inch tall (12 meters tall)

Carcharock [Father] He is very stritc towards her, besides being even taller, bigger and scarier