Simplistic's Comments

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Hi! So glad you like it :D

1) If you would be willing to send me the edited code, I'd be happy to figure out what happened haha! It does that sometimes, honestly couldn't tell you what I think it is, I usually just have to play around with it.

2) Yes! There are two ways to do that. One is bootstrap colors, and one is CSS colors. What did you have in mind? I used bootstrap for this but it can be changed pretty easily.

Of course!! I'm really happy to hear you like it so much haha.

This user's account has been closed. There you go! Not sure how to get it to stay as code so I just put it in a doc for you, lol. Let me know if it works fine when you update it! I made a comment everywhere I edited so you can change it up if you want.

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happy to hear it! have a good one :>