Luna Feo (Demon Devil's Hand)



1 year, 26 days ago


Demon Devil’s Hand
Luna Feo

"Another life? For little old me? Aww, Beelzebabe! You shouldn't have! <3"


"I'm Luna! We should be BEST friends!"

AOD: 23 y/o
Height: 5’5”
Horns: Sprouting from the top and back of her head.
Cause of Death: She tripped and fell onto her trusty pair of scissors when chasing off somebody trying to mug her.
Weapon: Scissors
Weapon Name: "Snippy"


"I almost cut my finger clean off one time! It was sooooooo sick! Look at the scar!"

+ Ambitious | Energetic | Resilient
= Headstrong | Aloof | Idiosyncratic
- Abrasive | Devious | Obsessive

An absolute trainwreck of a woman who is constantly up to dumbass shit simply for the thrill of it. Luna is a deceptively cunning individual underneath all of her wildly insane decisions. There is a method to her madness…. Most of the time! Whether or not the logic shows itself is another story.  

She is terribly headstrong and will always find a way to achieve her goals, even if it means storming her way through a streak of failures to get there. Nothing will ever get her down! (Or so she thinks.)

Luna seems to be very disinterested when asked or confronted about anything deemed "serious". She will almost always laugh and shrug it off, changing the subject somehow.


"Huuuuuh? Why do you want to know about all that?! Eugh, that's sooooo boring!"

Luna really couldn't tell you much about what lead up to this point. Or maybe she just rather wouldn't.

From what she can remember, or perhaps what she chooses to remember, it had always been just her and her older brother getting on through life. He owned a fancy bar and she'd work shifts when staff was short. Outside of that, Luna spent her time mugging and swindling folks for extra cash when she wasn't chasing after her next big, spontaneous adventure.


  • Luna is obnoxiously obsessed with satanic and demonic imagery. One could only imagine how thrilled she is to be summoned into this new afterlife of demon flower-hood!
  • Her “trusty pair of scissors” were generally used to snip off a little piece of something to take home with her; a memento for rainy days. Not that she ever has them!
  • On her own little side quest to snip off a piece of all the Demon Flowers to make a rainbow she can carry around with her wherever she goes. <3 (with ooc permission ofc!!)
  • Doesn’t know how to tie her shoes. But that’s okay, her new boots give her some height so her shoelaces don’t drag on the floor now!

Variant List

Demon NameVariantAbilityDescription