"Glassless" Show/Cast



1 year, 4 months ago


Glassless, is the animated series created by Jax. While pursuing his college education, Jax poured his heart and soul into developing these endearing characters, immersing himself in their world and even crafting his senior short film and other projects around them for assignments.

Set in an enchanting fantasy realm, Glassless revolves around a tight-knit quartet of extraordinary individuals: Toshi, Cylus, Braxton, and Akari. The show was targetted towards mature children, teens, and young adults/adults.

At the core of the narrative lies Toshi, an introspective and self-reliant soul, who embarks on a transformative journey alongside Cylus to develop a groundbreaking teleportation device. Tirelessly and resolutely, they toiled away, channeling their passion into bringing this creation to life.

However, their divergent attitudes became evident when Cylus, brimming with exuberance, impulsively decided to step into the device and be its first test subject. Toshi, cautiously aware of the potential dangers, tried to dissuade her, urging caution. Yet, Cylus, obstinate in her conviction, believed that their meticulous efforts and unwavering dedication guaranteed its safety.

Regrettably, as Cylus traversed the device's threshold, a catastrophic power surge ensued, shattering the machine and leaving her inexplicably vanished, leaving nothing but her glasses/goggles left. The intricate mechanisms lay irreparably damaged, rendering Toshi powerless to retrieve her lost companion.

As the series unfurls, Toshi's unwavering purpose becomes clear: to reunite with Cylus at any cost. Through a tapestry of encounters with intriguing characters and formidable trials, Toshi and their newfound comrades forge unbreakable bonds, standing together in the face of adversity and embracing the challenges that lie ahead.