Sage Bauer



1 year, 30 days ago


Sage Bauer
Age: 25

Not much is known about her history in the past, all that is known is her father Sigmund is a former militia and high ranking political figure with an iron fist and a favoritism towards her younger sister Lucy. She has constantly tried to get herself out of the family shadow and gain her father's good graces since a young age but no ploy or effort has worked as it looks so far.

She has a cynical outlook on the world with little effort being put in from outside influences being a positive one and has blinded her viewpoint from rosy tinted to ashen grey. Despite this she has an honest bone all over her body and will refer closely towards the truth even if it is painfully truthful about a situation. Her work ethic and passion for getting herself out of this life has helped her get out of some pretty bad situations in the past.