Sigmund Bauer



1 year, 25 days ago


Sigmund Bauer

Age: 68

For most of his life Sigmund was some sort of military brat, whether it was his father, his father's father, and so on the lineage all lays somewhere in the hierarchal system of it. In turn when he came of age he worked himself through the bone to the top brass to become a really well known and, respected milital man. Though his respect came at the price of being well known as a bloddthirsty and tyrannical leader among the ranks and well known for his violent ways on and off the battlefield. He married late in life at the behest of his family in the hopes that he would continue on the lineage pride of armed force employ by his father. A top ranked in the army his wife and he had 3 children, the first being their oldest child and only son. Though that fell apart quite quickly after the whole training his entire life to be just like his father. His son instead chose a life of joy and freedom among scholars wit a mighty pen rather than his sword. His youngest daughter Lucy became the next target of interest when she showed an amazing talent for machine learning and in the day in age they lived in, it could equal a lucrative employee. Lucy took to the engineering aspect like a duck to water though she too started to stray from it. Not much was ever said by the man about their middle child Sage, who was born during a very rough time in the couple's marriage and subsequent divorce (Lucy herself was an oopsie after one last rendevous).

He is a man that has hardly any love for anything but fighting and history goint to the strongest outcome winner. It is a miracle that he even achieved to marry a wife rather than just be a man married to his work. Somewhere in all of his cold and dicatorial intimidation he held some love for his children, but the man is set in his ways and the ways are far buried deep beneath the Earth in relevance anymore. He shows no means of personality and hates to be vulnerable seeing it as a sign that you've given up your place, and once that tenacity is gone. It is left with a man with plenty of deeply buried hatred and no doubt severe undiagnosed PTSD.

- He is hoping to convince future grandchildren ( he is absolutely deadset on being right he will have many) that he will try to have them follow in his footsteps.