
1 year, 21 days ago


Name: Koda

age: young adult

gender: female

best friend: Zaharia 

friends: Ezra & Raya

sexuality: Straight as a line, but has no intrest in love or romance 

species: wolf mix something else 

mother: somebody

father: somebody

siblings: ?

forms: anthro and feral

work: her own coffee shop called Coffeelicious, they sell there creative coffee kind and also sweet food or simple breakfast food. 


personality: gets her self often into trouble because of her sassy attitude, friendly, bubbly,chatty,helpful,protectful,grumpy morning person (don't talk till she had coffee, but even then be careful) lucky,easy going,crazy,overthinker,tends to fix other peoples problems while she ignores her own (it makes her happy if she succeeds helping them)stubborn, shy sometimes. sarcasam is her second language. but sometimes she can also be mean or rude if needed (but she only shows in when provoked or angered), little emotional (because of her past), sassy lil bitch

like's ( this is mixed for her feral and anthro form).

parties,clubs (she likes dancing and haning out with people) but that's also why she oftens gets into trouble) hunting,books,swimming,collecting feathers,shiny gems (normal gems not the ones on the foreheads of others like her own species) crystals,gaming (rage gamer xD) nature,adventures,music,puzzels, COFFEE!, sweet alcohol,snacksssss,pranks,jokes,exploring,abandone places

drawing her as anthro? here are some inspirations for clothes: