Kaida & Raziel



1 year, 27 days ago



Kaida and Raziel are a shapeshifter who usually takes the form of a dragon who came from a giant tree that grows between dimensions. They are usually found in the branches of the tree, causing discord or making pranks with the other residents of the tree. You will also often find them disguised in the normal world where they provoke, play pranks or create pure chaos wherever they go! Their main function was to perceive and balance order and chaos, but they seem to have gone too far on the side of chaos. Maybe they still need to learn the balance of order..

Kaida is the white half, he is rather childish, but is also the most responsible of the 2. He knows when to be serious, although most of the time he prefers not to be, he prefers to act silly and generally have fun without the judgment of other people, you will often find him playing with something or distracting himself with items that catch his attention. He is 100% in agreement with the chaos that his brother plans and sometimes gives his own ideas, having fun seeing people's reactions and seeing all the problems that this creates. He is also much more of a fan of physical contact and can sometimes be a bit touch starved, he likes to talk putting hands in the shoulders of people, really likes hugs, and etc, but he tries not to get to close or control himself in that, since he knows his brother can be unconfortable with that. He prefers to be close to other people but more specifically those that matter to him, like his family

Raziel is the black half, and is much more chaotic and messy, in addition to being very creative. He can think of gadgets and how they would work, he likes to tinker with scraps of metal, cardboard, etc, and between the two of them he is the one who adds the "trash" and meaningless items to their treasure pile (Kaida doesn't mind, he likes to see his brother happy when he looks at things in the pile) he's also the one who thinks up most of the schemes and ways to mess with other people. However, dealing with people seriously with the thought of "I can't mess this up" is another matter, leaving him anxious and generally quite shy. He also doesn't really like physical contact, although he makes some exceptions for people he is very close to. Raziel also has a tendency to be more temperamental, getting sullen easily, especially if something goes wrong. When this happens staying a while in silence and eventually a conversation with Kaida calms him down enough for him to try to resolve things or overcome what is bothering him

The two are very close to their family, and people who matter to them are almost an extension of their treasure pile, they are important and they will do anything to protect them if necessary. Each of them has their own way of resolving things, and they know that not everyone in their family agrees with their ways of acting (being an jerk or kinda of evil a lot of the time with other people) more specifically their sister Murmúrio, so despite of not seeing anything wrong with what they do, they will still avoid doing these things if she is near, and if she asks them for something specific they will probably obey (although complaining quietly ksk)


Nicknames Kai / Raz
Age ???
Gender Genderless (uses he/they/it a lot)
Species Shapeshifter (mostly dragon)
Birthday May 21
Height Can change
Orientation Pancake (pan ace)
Occupation Chaos agent

  • shiny things
  • purple!
  • staying close to who they like
  • Sweet foods, especially the cold ones
  • Mess with people
  • Chewing things (especially when young)
  • K: Physical contact, especially hugs
  • K: Horror stories, films or animes
  • R: Slice of life stories, especially the cute ones
  • R: Feathers, beads, scraps, etc

  • People touching their pile of treasures
  • Bitter foods
  • R: When something goes wrong in his plans/projects
  • R: Horror stories
  • K: Spicy foods
  • K: Games. He gets very competitive (was officially banned from family games)


  • Kaida really likes horror movies, stories and animes, but he doesn't watch them much since Raziel is afraid of them, so they usually watch the stories that Raziel likes or neutral movies, cartoons, among others (they also like to watch the things in the meme to laugh at) they tend to talk a lot while watching, complaining about the characters' actions, being indignant, or even when they find something cute. They don't really like watching with other people as they think they are bothering people when talking during them
  • Although each of them controls only their own half of their body when they are controlling it at the same time they have no difficulty controlling it, they work in perfect harmony and their body seems to adapt to this, an example being their face which can express individually. When they are just one in control they find it awkward and uncomfortable, having trouble controling the body. You can see them tripping over their own feet or bumping into things
  • The two usually stim a lot
  • Kaida's teeth and their tongue always seem to be melting, not that there's a specific reason for that, they just like to leave them like that. It's part of their shapeshifter ability
  • They like to curl up in a ball, especially when sleeping or stressed/overwhelmed
  • When they were children they had the habit of chewing things, furniture, toys, the tree itself, sometimes even the shin of one of their siblings if they are not paying attention

Design Notes

  • Can shapeshifter to other species
  • Their expressions (eyes, even mouth) are almost always different from the other since they are both in control of the body at the same time.
  • Can be draw with wings, cloths, etc
  • Their tail can separate
  • Although they are shapeshifters and can switch sides, Raziel is usually on the right side of the body (our left) <-- and Kaida on the other (our right) -->


Kaida and Raziel were created in a tree that cross between dimensions, being a small gray fuffly ball. At that point they had 3 older siblings who took care of them while they were still little. In the first years (or who knows how long it has been, time is very confusing where they came from) they were still adapting, they didn't have a formed conscience yet, they didn't even have a sense that there was another person in the same body. Only one thought was going through their heads, and that was to create chaos! The two would destroy things, bite toys they got and even the tree, try to destroy things and bite their brothers, anything that would cause a mess they would probably do. Their siblings, despite being bothered, still did their best to take care of them and prevent them from getting hurt, since they knew that this was probably their function and all the newborns from the tree used to act in accordance with their main function without having a formed conscience yet

As the days went by, their gray color began to change more and more until they reached the half-and-half that they are today, and they also gained more awareness of the world around them, in addition to slowly learning about the world from their siblings. From the moment they became aware of each other they became partners in crime, always inseparable and adapting to each other's ways and quirks, in addition to starting to form affection for other family members (not that this stops them from causing discord) It was also during this time that they were learning about their shapeshifting abilities

During their growing time they always saw glimpses of the world that the tree traversed, they liked to see the creatures that lived there, their customs, technologies and food, and they were always interested in exploring, but it was forbidden because they were too small. During a time when their fur was almost completely changed they managed to escape and explore one of the worlds for a while, but things ended up getting out of control and they got into a fight that hurt them a lot, luckily one of their siblings saw them in time and saved the 2 from there, and after a very good scolding they decided to wait until they were completely ready to go there again

Currently they spend most of their time in the mortal worlds, causing confusion wherever they go, but they always remember to visit the tree and see their family, including their new little brother. But little by little as they are living among other creatures their way of acting seems to be changing, apparently trying to live as one of them has brought a lot of different emotions that they never expected, and it hasn't been all bad..

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