Quinto Myriad's Comments

wait... hold on... QUANTIUM IMMORTALITY? 

...this interests me now, what even happened to even be up at that stage of immortality? or at least a form of one.

Yep! Haha! 

His ancestor essentially created a code in his own descendants DNA to make his psiionics completely wack. He's died thousands of times but remains in his timeline of origin bc he pulls Quinto's from other timelines (unintentionally mind you) to essentially respawn!

Another interesting tidbit abt this. The Just and Heroic death clock broke the first time he encountered it (unintentionally again), making his dreary party as immortal as him :]

This man is a series of unfortunate events! 

god I had something similar guy like this tho very different choices and ending. 

My one guy in a story I had from a long while back became the FIRST anomoly in his game (he was a Bard of Time, mind you) due to some choice he made where he basically destroyed him(self) to keep his team safe. 

But there had been a price for doing that. Due "him" being "destroyed", NONE of his Teams remembered him but had a dejavu (or vague familar feeling of having KNOWN him from somewhere before he goes out of sight and they forget the next second) each time he was passing by. From this, they were more or less saved but at the cost of their Time player (he's not dead but also not alive either, just simply existing as an "immortal" in a pocket bubble of nowhere and everywhere)

his name Mardas Fredem, he was a Bronze blood Tauries (? I think?) and he was a dancestor to my other guy, Ellevo Fredem.

Holy shit, that's super cool :0

cool but also sad qvq