


1 year, 23 days ago


NAME Bluebellbreeze
AGE 72 Moons
GENDER Demi Girl (She/They)
BUILD Average, but with hidden muscle

CLAN Blizzardclan
ROLE Warrior
MENTOR Blisskiss
VOICE text



Most would think Bluebellbreeze, especially with her name, to just be a cat with her head up in the clouds. To busy day dreaming to think much about anything. While she does love day dreaming, telling stories she has crafted. But she has a storng sense of justice, the fight against Dovemoon consuming her a bit more than she would have liked. But now that its over she hopes she can relax, heal, create stories in the shapes of the clouds for all to hear.


  • Kind
  • Cheerful
  • Clever
  • Strong Sense of Justice
  • Day Dreamer
  • Creative
  • Vengful
  • Stubborn
  • Distracted
introverted extroverted
hostile friendly
apathetic empathetic
hasty patient
awkward charismatic
cowardly courageous
insecure confident
subservient authoritative



Born to a sickly single mother she never really got to know Bluebellkit, and her brother Venuskit were raised by the monarchs of the clan as their mother Buttonheart died just a moon after they were born. Dovemoon had just closed the borders but otherwise they had a fairly clam and good kithood.


Her apprentice days were started on a rocky note as cats began disapearing due to Twolegs snatching them away. The rest of her apprenticeship went over rather calmly, well as calmy as it could anyway. Featherpaw and the others seemed to single her out. Taking out their anger on her, or maybe they just thought it was funny she never really knew. It made her angry that there was no way to avenge for their clanmates that had been taken, it made her angry that the others were taking it out on her, it made her angry that her brother was never doing anything to help her. She got along very well with her mentor Blisskiss, training sessions with them were always a nice break from the others. Blisskiss did their best to stop the bullying but the other apprentices mentors werent much help in the matter.


Named Bluebellbreeze, and her brother named Venusheart, just after Starlingfall is named deputy. The two new warriors help as much as they can as sickness quickly takes hold of the clan although they avoid catching it themselves luckily. Then as more changes are made to the rules, although those her age and younger seem to be ok with these new laws, she was not. They felt as though a noose was slowly tightening around the clan as this happened. But she has only been a warrior for a little over a cycle and felt she could not say much and be listened to. Then the blizzard rolled in. and once again she was lucky not to strave herself or loose Venusheart, both coming out very skinny but ok. Over the moons Dovemoon finalizes his rules, and Bluebellbreeze grows inceasingly uncomfortable with them. Something deep in their soul is telling them this is simply wrong, and needs to be fixed. But she alone is in no position to fix things on her own. With the most recent ruling she called out in outrage with many of the clan, agreeing with Trumpetscorn that having the monarchs trapped in one den, or even camp, was like holding his own clanmates prisoner. As she feels the anger grow, as well as the anger of many in the clan, she looks forward to throwing the tyrant off the mountain itself.

She helps where she can. Blisskiss at one point asking her to help catch prey to poison Dovemoon although her mentor ends up doing that on their own. She is extremely glad that Blisskiss ends up being ok. She continues on for a couple moons, then the execution. She tried so hard to stop it, to save Juniperstrike from what happened. But she failed, getting knowcked out by a scarred young warrior trying to defend their kin. They wake up very soon after in the warriors den with Featherdance of all cats. She immidiately thinks its some kind of trap, or that she's being held for execution just like Juniperstrike had been. Although eventually is convinced this is not the case. Featherdance claims she wants to help take Dovemoon down, that things had gone much to far. Bluebellbreeze isn't sure they beleive her but will give her the benefit of the doubt, even if they won't be filling her in on anything more than a need to know basis.

It is after this that Morningshiver approaches her with a plan. A plan to take one of Dovemoons remaining two lives. She takes Morningshiver up on the offer even though a small part of their brains tells them it is a bad idea. The plan quickly goes awry though, Morningshiver being scarred by Tempestwatcher which cuases Dovemoon to go out looking for her in the blizzard. They were meant to do this on a diffrent day, when Morningshiver wasn't actually scarred. But there wouldnt be another chance, and Bluebellbreeze had to take it. She raced to Carpine Overlook, she snuck up as a goat terrorized the leader and her mentors daughter. And she suceeded in throwing the tom off the mountain itself.

She had succeed in one sense, but failed in another.She failed to get to Morningshiver in time to protect her from the goat. She was heavily injuried. Luckily Bluebellbreeze is able to alert the patrol without alerting them to herself and make sure Morningshiver makes it back to camp. They feel immense guilt about what happened, to Morningshiver anyway. At the next midnight meeting of the rebels she tells them all what happened, Morningshivers plan having been a secret to the rest. Most question why she did not reject the plan, or tell anyone else Morningshiver being so young, but she does not have a good answer for them. They had asked themselves the same question and not had a good reason.

She tells Blisskiss, the conversation goes a bit better than she had hoped. Blisskiss needs spcae, and thats ok. They are just glad Blisskiss doesnt hate her. She knows she messed up, let things blind her from the dangers, even if she HAD asked Morningshiver about the specifics of the danger. It is not a long wait for the battle to begin. She prepares Featherdance, and they fight near the warriors den together. Temestwatcher flies out of the warriors den and she quickly goes after him. He tries to call her a monster. HA. He was the reason everything had gone so wrong, that Morningshiver had been hurt. His head crack open against the stones of the hotspring, and she feels no regret. They help in other battle where they can, until she hears her brothers screech.

Lilacthron stood over her brother, Venusheart was dead. Lilacthron barely had any marks, he had been trying to run in fear. And Lilacthron had taken it apon herself that he needed to be punished for it. She feels her heart shatter, images of them running and playing as kits flashing through her mind. His body is put with the others, including Cloudburst. So much death for one prideful egotistical bastard. Trails and exiles and apologies. She and Lilacthron get in an argument during the trial of Hawkdust but it is quickly stopped. The trials go on, she does hesitantly speak out for Waxracer but ultimatly votes to exile the twins. Although she is surprised, and a little sad for them as Wanewhisper is allowed to stay and Waxracer is exiled.

After everything settles down, she goes to visit Featherdance in the medics den. She had been trying to distract herself from Venusheart. However during this her own words during her argument with Lilacthorn come back to bite her. She feels guilty and apologizes for words said in the heat of the moment even if they werent necessarily wrong. The conversation leaves off on a weird note, and Bluebellbreeze isn't quiet sure where her and Featherdance currently stand. She isn't able to think about it for to long however as soon it is time to vote for the future leader of Blizzardclan. She opens herself up to the votes. After what happened with Morningmist, as she had been recently renamed, they were not keeping thier hopes up high. But she does it anyway. She wants to help build the future of the clan as she has so often said she wanted to. Maybe one day she will, but it seems it is not her time. SongMoon and Charcoalfall are chosen. She is happy for them, and knows the clan is in good paws.


lore notes
  • She has always had STRONG opinions on Dovemoon since her early apprenticeship when they really started to percieve what was happening but has kept it mostly under wraps out of the fear of repercussions. This leaves quicker and quicker, as she grows older and as Dovemoon goes farther and farther.
design notes
  • Fur almost always flows dornward, like a waterfall.
  • Blue!
  • Mice
  • Making Friends
  • Yellow
  • Reptiles
  • Dovemoon