


8 years, 6 months ago



Name Zadkiel
Designer Sixbane
Gender Male
ObtainedSelf created
Significant Other Puriel
Rules None
Species Feroxserpus

RoleFallen angel/bounty hunter


  • His broken halo is optional, he can make it visible or non-visible
  • Can always be found with varying degrees of gold jewelry, sometimes just a small collar or two- sometimes many trinkets
  • Has a few golden gemstones on his shoulder, they glow if he's using any of his magical abilities.

Zadkiel is a flirty, and oftentimes overconfident man who usually comes across as selfish or self-absorbed. He isn't evil-but tends to struggle with entirely understanding empathy at times and seeing beyond his own shallow perception of things. Being a former immortal angel- he finds mortals trivial and fleeting and though he's slowly coming to come around to accepting them and not acting so haughty about it- it's a bit hard for him to entirely forget his rather pretentious roots. 

He's most certainly the sort to do good deeds in private because it would embarrass him to be caught "Being sappy". He isn't entirely above being a good person, he just doesn't always go about it the right way and often his good intentions can be marred with poor execution. Being around him can be rather exhausting if you're not used to his rather attention-grabbing behavior and he can be pretty annoying to some.

If you can get past his rather obnoxious outer shell, he's quite wise and calm, and moreover- filled with regret from things in his past that he probably wouldn't explain to you, and would write off with an "its complicated". He wants to understand mortals but seems to do nothing but hurt them because his traditional angel mannerisms don't really mesh with the ways of mortals of this new era entirely well. He talks big to hide his insecurities about his own newly found mortality, and the fears of what will happen to him once he dies and rejoins the realm of spirits again, and if the gods can forgive him for his choices. 


  • He is now mortal, but still possesses some of his celestial magic. 

Zadkiel is a fallen angel who was sent to the mortal realm-in the process losing his place at the celestial plane in exchange for a mortal body, in order to bring back two escaped angel soldiers who gave up on a mission they were intended. Zadkiel found them, at first deceiving them to earn their trust, but soon decided he liked being a mortal better too, and simply decided to stay with them and forfeit his plan on returning.

Being a mortal was far more fun and came with a ton more freedom, and that was certainly a preferred life for him. 


  • Attention
  • Jewelry
  • Sweet foods
  • Flying

  • Being insulted
  • Emotional talks
  • Losing feathers
  • Being wet/swimming

Puriel Significant other

Originally her guardian when trying to manipulate her fathers, Zadkiel eventually found a strong spot in his heart for her as she taught him more and more about what it was to be mortal. He's a bit clumsy in this newfound love of his, but he tries his best to be a good partner for her.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.
