


1 year, 11 days ago

Basic Info


Coding, art




— Info

Name Adelaide
Age 22
Pronouns She/Her
Orientation Sapphic
Occupation Bug Keeper
Species Dessertbun
Theme Bugs life popsicles
Worth $20

— Palette

— About

Adelaide finds herself frolicking in a meadow holding a bug net, with grass as large as trees. She looks next to her, and her brother is running alongside her, though not as gracefully. She looks by the river, her best friend is playing in the mud, looking for worms. The breeze blows gently, pushing her hair out of her face. She can smell the earthy scent of the dirt beneath her feet, soft from the dewdops that had settled hours before. She can hear the gentle trickle of the water as it flows as it always has between the rocks.

She looks to her brother once again, noticing he has tumbled to the ground, giggling as butterflies and ladybugs surround him. She giggles and runs to him, trying to catch some of the butterflies that have landed on the grass next to him.

— Likes

  • Bug catching
  • The smell of rain
  • The feeling of grass beneath her paws
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— Dislikes

  • Asphalt
  • Mint ice cream
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— Traits

(R) swirly tail (CUR) drippy/melty fur (M) Bug/insects decor 

— Relationships

sprout younger brother

Adelaides younger brother, he's a little aloof and impulsive, but they're inseperable and spend their days exploring the area around their house

dirt cup best friend

Adelaide's best friend, the two have been best friends since they can remember and get themselves into lots of messes!!

"this is where you can put song lyrics or a quote. you can link to a song where the icons are! this box doesn't scroll, so keep it to three lines or less!" |

Character Name


Dessertbuns are a closed species by Stickerpen | you may not make your own without a MYO slot!