


1 year, 22 days ago


Shiva is the ruler of space and makes sure no troubles will cause chaos. Before the rest of the Gods, she was the first to exist along with Callie. She had to do all the work and Callie helped her causing them both to drain their energy out quickly. Shiva had enough and made a list whoever is worthy to get a title as a ruler.

No one knows how she was born but she just existed. Her job is to make sure the universe is balanced. She is unable to speak but her tail can do the talking. Unfortunately the tail has no eyes but Shive won't hesitate to give her guidance. 

She may look peaceful but no one knows what power they held. Of course people will thought she's just an ordinary weird creature until they find out she holds the universe's balances. Some treated her like a God but some sees her as a legendary character in children's story. 

There are some cases where children see her travelling through stars but as expected, adults don't really believe what children saw and said. 

Does Shiva want that? She's mysterious so no one knows what is inside her head except for Callie, one of her old friends.