
Aim the arrow directly at the heart and be sure not to miss... Lest you get unlucky as I have.


Stricken is far from friendly at a first glance. He's pushy, and tends to talk too much about inappropriate content like it's just daily conversation. Whether it's going into the specifics of a murder or who he slept with last night, Stricken doesn't hold back when it comes to saying what's on his mind. He only smirks at most, rarely seeming to smile genuinely. He's easy to make frustrated, and states so quite often. He glares and snaps at people with they mess with him too much, not enjoying most people's presence for prolonged periods of time.

On closer inspection, it's pretty obvious that Stricken is used to pushing people away. He has long deemed himself not worth a great deal of attention, and as such, he just shoots people down before they can even start to like him. Those who show him any kind of genuine affection somewhat frighten him. He seems to fluster easily when people respond to his harshness with kindness, and often mutters to himself afterward. He goes quiet around those who actually flirt back in a genuine, soft way.

Stricken long lost his morality. He seems to think little of death, and aims for the head in a fight. Someone else dead means he leaves alive, and while that may seem cynical, it's all he has. He's been through more than he lets on, and the complete desensitization is just another symptom of it. He realizes others struggle with it, but will never be able to really break out of his habits. He's pretty sure no amount of effort would allow for it.

While he originally wanted to kill Aliice, he now feels that he owes him more than he could ever truly say. Aliice was one of the first not to look down on him as a lowly assassin, and that caught him off guard. He's since lost his loyalty to his assassin's code, and now follows Aliice without regret. If he's to die, so be it, let it be for a cause for once instead of a price.


About personality here. Sed enim justo, blandit ac aliquam eu, condimentum ut sapien. Donec libero ante, lacinia pharetra eleifend aliquam, pharetra at arcu. Ut mollis tempus convallis. Quisque suscipit faucibus consequat. Sed mollis tempor mauris ut facilisis. Curabitur ullamcorper lorem vel dui dignissim, eget sodales nulla fermentum. Maecenas leo libero, consectetur ac vulputate eu, commodo in risus. Nam elementum semper leo in volutpat.

Design notes

Design notes here. Integer hendrerit leo ac arcu placerat, eu hendrerit arcu iaculis. Pellentesque et tristique sapien. Vivamus id condimentum magna. Quisque dapibus laoreet massa, a ornare augue lacinia eu. Quisque ullamcorper sagittis elit. Phasellus semper convallis eros pulvinar dignissim. Curabitur ipsum justo, tempor vitae ex id, tristique posuere risus. Etiam augue metus, hendrerit et scelerisque sit amet, varius sit amet enim. Etiam nec magna sit amet odio elementum ullamcorper sit amet eu nulla. Donec sollicitudin tortor iaculis ante interdum tristique. Etiam id fermentum est. Ut in malesuada nibh. In non pretium neque, nec sollicitudin tortor.


Stricken Mindor
Hare Summerlander
5'6'' (168cm)
Ice Prince's Retainer
Fight Class


  • Whittling
  • Controlled Bloodshed
  • Sunlight


  • All Out Fights
  • Having his ears touched
  • Hunting


  • Wood Working
  • Weapons Crafting
  • Archery

Positive Traits

  • Info
  • Info
  • Info

Neutral Traits

  • Info
  • Info
  • Info

Negative Traits

  • Info
  • Info
  • Info


Backstory here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In luctus orci et lectus hendrerit gravida. Fusce at risus at purus dictum venenatis a vel enim. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Duis placerat massa nulla, vitae dapibus dui pulvinar quis.

Pellentesque enim purus, maximus vel scelerisque ut, dapibus nec est. Etiam hendrerit posuere interdum. Cras sodales maximus enim et hendrerit. Nam id tempus lacus. Phasellus finibus iaculis magna. Etiam magna nunc, ultricies placerat purus vel, elementum molestie ex. Vivamus in ultricies neque, sit amet aliquam mauris. Pellentesque eu dui augue.

Nulla consectetur, nunc vitae aliquet faucibus, ipsum erat lacinia lectus, non porttitor sapien purus nec nisl. Aliquam sodales orci eu dolor lacinia porta.

Sed enim justo, blandit ac aliquam eu, condimentum ut sapien. Donec libero ante, lacinia pharetra eleifend aliquam, pharetra at arcu. Ut mollis tempus convallis. Quisque suscipit faucibus consequat. Sed mollis tempor mauris ut facilisis. Curabitur ullamcorper lorem vel dui dignissim, eget sodales nulla fermentum. Maecenas leo libero, consectetur ac vulputate eu, commodo in risus. Nam elementum semper leo in volutpat.


  • An assassin at heart, he's an expert in the art of killing.
  • Gets cold quickly and has a disposition against staying in cold weather for too long.
  • Originally planned to stay with Pince Aliice only to kill him later, but has since grown very attached to the prince.
  • Can get a bit lewd, despite his grumpiness. He's never been one to shy away from stating exactly what's on his mind and occassionally balantly flirts with those around him.
  • Talented with most weapons, but tends to favor a bow and arrow or throwing knives.