Florian Reed



6 years, 1 month ago


Name: Florian Reed
Goes by: Florian or Mr Reed
Nicknames: Flora, Floral, Read

Gender: Male
Pronouns: He / They
-He’s pretty open with any pronouns, he’s comfortable knowing he’s Florian, so you can really use what you want.

Sexuality: Undefined
Relationship Status: Single
-And comfortable about it.

Species: Ampha
-Slit pupils
-One colour normal markings [Common]
-Feathered Hummingbird wings [Common]
-Horns [Common]
-Down [Common]
-Feathered tail [Common]
-Feathered tail tip [Common]

Career: Owner of: Dianthus: Cake & Tales
Dianthus: Cake & Tales; is more of a passion project for Florian, to get people back into reading and discussing books, through the store and a-joining hand baked café.
Though he doesn’t turn much of a profit as people can just read the whole book while in the store.

Body Type: He’s on the chubbier side and shorter than the average man.
Height: 5”5
He’ll either be in a comfy t-shirt or his fancy Spanish inspired ensemble, both of which are just as soft and just as comfortable. He likes to wear his fancier one to entice in the children with excitement and tales of magic.

Personality: Florian is incredibly friendly and hard to dislike, always open and willing to help out however can, even if he can’t help personally, he will find someone who can help you. A crux of the community he’s willing to be an ear to anyone who needs it while offering out his 2-cents and helping to solve your problems where needed.

Friends: Binx & Daniael
-The two adore hanging out at his shop, often getting free ‘taster’ brownies

-He only needs his glasses for reading, and he often loses them. (They’re on top of his head)
-He adores children and part of his aim with his store is to continue the generations interest and excitement about books.
-He’d love to be a dad, so kind of just adopts the teens around him, he does hope one day he might adopt a child or teen.
-Florian’s store is very much a safe place, he won’t question why anyone’s there and will lend out blankets on cold days and iced water on hot ones.
-His hot chocolate should be famous, everyone of Barewillow raves about it almost as much as they rave about Florian himself.