Dušan Dern



1 year, 14 days ago


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Waltz of the Bone King- Peter Gundry

Dušan Dern

Guardian of Graves & Dreams

Dušan Bardhyl Morpheus Dern Ardor




December 20




Graveyard Caretaker

The Mirror

Know Thyself.

  • Patient
  • Courteous
  • Sympathetic

  • Rational
  • Honest
  • Artistic

  • Unreadable
  • Vague
  • Secretive

A gentle giant of few words and many secrets, Dušan commands an air of mystery and knowledge often reserved for the fantastical and mystical. Yet he is as humble as they come, prefering to be rich in knowledge and good doings than that of material objects and riches. A select few have heard his deep rumbling voice, though he speaks to those fairly close to him or in times of great important or desperation - thankfully these do not come often.


INFJ-A (Advocate)





Lawful Neutral










Lone Wolf

  • Animals
  • Art
  • Playing the Organ

  • Greedy Rich People
  • Tomatoes
  • Chalkboards

  • Being Forgotton
  • Red Plague Returning
  • Needles

  • Painting
  • Sculpting
  • Gardening

  • Dušan, at this point in time, has around 17 dogs he has adopted over the years
  • He is completely colourblind, and can only see in varying shades of black, grey, and white.
  • Is capable of Overtone singing, and does not need to channel the voices of the dead to achieve this
  • Due to his actions before Vesuvia, he has been given the nickname "The Wandering Angel" but others have given him other titles, such as the Guardian of Graves or Dreams.
  • Can play violin, piano, organs, accordians, cello, drums, and the harp


Life in Akoma

Dušan originates from a coastal kingdom South East of Vesuvia known as Akoma, and is the youngest of four children born into the royal family. Whilst magic ran in their family, it was only after an incident when he was 10 years old that he exhibited a very different trait from their normal expectations; interacting with the dead on a phenomenal scale. His eldest sister would witness him bring a bird back from the brink of death after hitting her window, and at age 12 all three of his siblings and both parents would witness Dušan's one and only significant meltdown after witnessing the true form and gore of a ghost haunting the halls of their palace. This caused his magical abilites to surge and affect the statues within the palace, though he would later visit the graveyard in an attempt to "sugarcoat" what he was actually witnessing.

As the years went on, and he got a little older, Dušan would assist in the Search & Rescue departments of their city to locate and assist those that lost their way in the deep and hazardous mountain passes that contained Akoma. It was during one of these expeditions that he would find his Familiar; a small beige Pitbull found with a dead adventurer and horse. In an effort to broaden his horizons and world view, Dušan would set off an adventure of his own via the sea, taking his Familiar and four other dogs that made up his search team with him. Along the way, he would adopt and take in eight more dogs as he travelled from Akoma to Nevivon, to Zadith, to Prakra, before finally landing in Vesuvia.

Chapter One

A Vesuvian Landing

Landing in Vesuvia, Dušan would leave his ship at the docks of South End where it remains to this day. It was not his intention to stay, but after staying with an old caretaker of the local graveyard, he was left the place in the mans will after he passed several months after. Now saddled with an unkempt graveyard that was one the verge of falling apart, Dušan took to making flyers advertising his sculpture work to make some form of income to at least live off of. The rich flocked for his services, finding his sculptures perfect for what they were looking for with a very fast turnaround to boot. One of these commissions wound up paying him with a small Borzoi puppy, similar to the ones the latest Count had been gifted. Despite his popularity with the rich, the common people adored him and his company as he wandered through both the South End Markets & the Main Square if he wasn't held up in the graveyard.

However, this would quickly change once Count Lucio caught wind, and sight, of his work whilst visting the rich, who immediately sent for him to meet at the Palace to create up to four sculptures for him. One to be in the main square, two in his own estate, and one for the fountain in the Palace gardens. Having not even known there was a new Count of Vesuvia, Dušan took him up on it and created the statues Lucio asked for. Despute his reputation, Lucio did pay in full and a little extra for his work whilst Dušan slunk back to the Graveyard to continue renovations where he knew Valerius, who had become enchanted by him, would not dare to look.

Chapter Two

The Red Plague

The Red Plague trickled in like a stream, taking the children and the elderly quicker than the adults and despite this, Dušan was blissfully unaware Death had stepped into Vesuvia. It was only until he noticed the markets were practically empty, and more ghosts were starting to roam the streets did he realise something was horribly wrong. He volunteered for body removal services, given his large size and calming presence, as many were still alive by the time he got to them. The Plague Doctors initially attempted to have him stationed at the Lazaret, but whilst the screaming stopped for the majority once they were burnt alive in the furnace, Dušan was given no such luxury. He left after the third day, taking to escorting the dying or dead to the rowboats that led them to the small island with blackened sand of ash.

This would mark one of the first times Vesuvia was very aware of his existence, and he once again coined the nickname of the "Wandering Angel" on the streets. The dying or dead would ask him to pass on letters, messages, trinkets, or even their material items to the living - some in Vesuvia and some not. Though another dog would come into his possession, as the original owner had no living family or friends in Vesuvia, and insisted they would be better knowing they could see them in the Graveyard. Despite his close dealings with the infected and lack of safety equipment, did not contract the Plague.

Chapter Three

All That Rests

Once the Red Plague had officially disappeared, and news that the Count was dead and the Countess missing, Dušan found a slow dip back into a form of routine. For months, he was packing contents of homes up and into boxes to hand or send off to the living relatives of the dead and ignored the warnings of the haunted island of the Lazaret, to assist those still stuck on this plane to find rest within the Graveyard. With that said and done, he went back to making more sculptures but instead of having this commissioned, these were designed to watch the graveyard. Instilling them with magic, gargoyles and other humanoid statues would be placed across the Graveyard as lookouts and security to keep thieves and those looking to vandalise the graveyard out of it.

Dušan remains blissfully unaware of the ritual that occurred in the Palace during the Count's finally Masquerade, and is also unaware that he was in fact murdered. He does, however, know that Julian Devorak is a wanted man all throughout Vesuvia, but does not know why and does not exactly care to learn the reason.

Dušan has had many lovers during his years of travelling different cities and and countries, but all have been strictly physical rather than emotional and serious.

Portia is his first serious relationship, and they may be very different in personality, but he adores her with every part of his heart and mind. As is his nature, he is respectful and kind to her but it is obvious to everyone who witnesses them that there is a certain level of gentleness and admiration that he exhibits with her.

If he has extended family he isn't aware of it, but he has a solid and good relationship with his parents and siblings.

Unlike his siblings he has a more serious and unreadable stature, whilst they have spent years in the public eye actively socialising with the people of the kingdom and the like. Due to this, they often tease him for his reclusiveness, as well as his height, but they have a firm sibling relationship. His parents, despite having an entire Kingdom to run and maintain, spent a lot of his childhood with him as they believed quality time with their children was important to his raising. Which worked out in their favour which they expected.

No matter how strange his interests and actions may appear, should they be made in good conscious and not at the expense of others, his family are supportive of Dušan and love him dearly.

Friends tab. Write about your character's attitude towards this group of people! This box will scroll once it's filled with enough content.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras at elit augue. Proin sem orci, eleifend sit amet ornare nec, tincidunt ut velit. Duis nec tincidunt sem. Curabitur accumsan augue in finibus gravida. Quisque quis libero arcu. Nulla ac velit consequat, consectetur dui sit amet, blandit metus. Nunc efficitur, orci in tempor fringilla, justo ex feugiat eros, at tempor justo quam at mauris. Pellentesque ut sodales orci, eu tristique magna.

Acquaintances tab. Write about your character's attitude towards this group of people! This box will scroll once it's filled with enough content.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras at elit augue. Proin sem orci, eleifend sit amet ornare nec, tincidunt ut velit. Duis nec tincidunt sem. Curabitur accumsan augue in finibus gravida. Quisque quis libero arcu. Nulla ac velit consequat, consectetur dui sit amet, blandit metus. Nunc efficitur, orci in tempor fringilla, justo ex feugiat eros, at tempor justo quam at mauris. Pellentesque ut sodales orci, eu tristique magna.

Strangers tab. Write about your character's attitude towards this group of people! This box will scroll once it's filled with enough content.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras at elit augue. Proin sem orci, eleifend sit amet ornare nec, tincidunt ut velit. Duis nec tincidunt sem. Curabitur accumsan augue in finibus gravida. Quisque quis libero arcu. Nulla ac velit consequat, consectetur dui sit amet, blandit metus. Nunc efficitur, orci in tempor fringilla, justo ex feugiat eros, at tempor justo quam at mauris. Pellentesque ut sodales orci, eu tristique magna.

Enemies tab. Write about your character's attitude towards this group of people! This box will scroll once it's filled with enough content.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras at elit augue. Proin sem orci, eleifend sit amet ornare nec, tincidunt ut velit. Duis nec tincidunt sem. Curabitur accumsan augue in finibus gravida. Quisque quis libero arcu. Nulla ac velit consequat, consectetur dui sit amet, blandit metus. Nunc efficitur, orci in tempor fringilla, justo ex feugiat eros, at tempor justo quam at mauris. Pellentesque ut sodales orci, eu tristique magna.

Portia Devorak



Write about the characters' relationship here. This box will grow; the side icon is sticky. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.




Write about the characters' relationship here. This box will grow; the side icon is sticky. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.




Write about the characters' relationship here. This box will grow; the side icon is sticky. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.




Write about the characters' relationship here. This box will grow; the side icon is sticky. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Waltz of the Bone King

Peter Gundry

Playlist Title

  • 01

    Waltz of the Bone King

    Peter Gundry

  • 02



  • 03

    Ship in a Bottle


  • 04

    Soldier, Poet, King

    The Oh Hellos

  • 05

    Ghost Choir

    Louie Zong

  • 06

    When I Met You

    Ethan Nestor

  • 07


    Sleeping At Last

  • 08


    Tribe Society

  • 09

    Personal Jesus

    Depeche Mode

  • 10


    Mother Mother

  • 11


    Toby Fox

  • 12


    Glass Animals

  • 13

    Ghost + Guest

    Louie Zong

  • 14

    Far Away


  • 15

    Treat People with Kindness

    Harry Styles

  • 16



  • 17


    Michael Rothery

  • 18

    You'll Dig a Grave with Me

    Unus Annus

  • 19


    Gorillaz, DRAM

  • 20


    Joy Oladokun

  • 21

    Rise Up Dead Man (Instrumental)

    Port Sulphur Band

  • 22

    Gates of Hell

    Darren Korb

  • 23

    Achilles Come Down

    Gang of Youths

  • 24

    Heavy Heart

    Kevin Macleod

  • 25




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