


1 year, 23 days ago


NOTE: this page is currently incomplete and missing information.

Basic Info

Name : Vincent Gronnfox
Nickname : Vinny (Doi), Vinci (Miriam)
Pronouns : He/Him
Race/Ethnic : African
Species : Human
D.O.B : - August 20XX
Age : 29

Physical Info

Demeanor : Serious, Aloof
Build : Moderately toned, but still average looking
Height : 175cm
Weight : 71kg


DISC Profile : Conscientiousness + Steadiness (Blue/Green)
Enneagram type : Type 4


"I know always that I am an outsider; a stranger in this century and among those who are still men."

Vincent is an independent, quiet, calm, and aloof person. He often doesn’t talk to others, though it’s more out of nervousness than it is the need to be alone. He’s mature and able to mask his feelings quite well, and he's able to stay calm even under pressure. He values commitment, trust, and values saving yourself for the one that you truly love, but he hasn’t been able to find that person. He is quite intelligent and crafty, and he is a very truthful person. He's deeply caring towards his few friends, and very few people can downright make him uncomfortable. He tends to think logically, and has a bit of a tendency to look down upon people that he deems "unsavory" such as Ari.

However, Vincent is not very socially intelligent and isn’t very experienced with social norms. Vincent struggles with making friends due to dissociation, he’s blunt and outright (which can be annoying to some), and he fails to understand nuance at times. He secretly wishes for long-term companionship, but he's had failed date after failed date which has only further strengthened the idea that he's destined for loneliness. Vincent also tends to push down and belittle his feelings, working on pleasing or dealing with others rather than exploring what he enjoys. He can often fail to take the feelings of others into account at times if they're not explicitly told to him, often due to his inexperience in dealing with the emotions of others. He is also quite hard on himself and quietly berates himself for the smallest mistakes.


Vincent is an only child, his family was poor, and his parents had a turbulent relationship. As a result, Vincent ended up mostly keeping to himself and his room. As a result, he never really learned how to converse with people in real life, and as a result mostly talks online with his few friends. He eventually learned how to take care of himself and learned useful skills like cooking and cleaning. After he turned 18, he immediately moved out of the house and cut all contact with his parents, moving to a decently sized town right nearby a bustling city. He quickly made a living for himself as a server, and before long he was able to afford his own studio apartment where he currently resides at. A few months after moving, he bought two cats which he named Sora and Minnie, and they also live with him in the apartment (much to the chagrin of his landlord). He now works at the Union Street Bistro, the largest restaurant in the town.

Current lifestyle

Living by himself in a studio apartment.


  • list

Trivias / Headcanons

  • He always arrives at places right before the crowd.


Ari Chiarella / Future Girlfriend, Current Acquaintance? : Ari visits the restaurant sometimes, but he never really talks to her. He looks down upon her for how many different guys she seems to be on dates with, but she tips well so he can't really hate her.
Doi / Good Friend : Vincent talks to Doi online, and sees him as a younger brother of sorts. He’s a bit high energy for Vincent's taste, but he teaches Vincent about video games so he's not all bad. He also feels an odd connection to him, though he's not sure why.
Miriam / Good Friend : Vincent’s only friend that he knows away from the computer. She's a bit too clingy for his taste, but he can't be bothered too much. Vincent enjoys her company, but he can tell that she enjoys his a bit too much...
Sora and Minnie / Pets : Sora is a friendly and playful orange cat that loves playing with toys and boxes, while Minnie is a more affectionate and loves being around both Sora and Vincent. They're a bit needy, but Vincent loves them all the same. However, he does not enjoy having to use a lint roller to get cat hair off his clothes.
Samantha / Ex-Girlfriend : Samantha is Vincent's ex, and they have a strained relationship. While Vincent loved her a lot, he never gave her enough attention and affection so she broke up with him.