


11 months, 10 days ago


A diseased rat semi controlled by a Rat Worm parasite.
After killing and eating Maggie's family in their sleep, the rat worm parasite chose them to be a host and crawled up into their lower back and attached itself to Maggie's spinal cord, semi controlling their bodily functions and speaking in voices through their head. They ate and dissolved Maggie's real tail to act as the substitute, their whole mass not fitting entirely into them. Part of why Maggie is so sick is due to their body dedicating itself to attempting to fight and be rid of the parasite (much to no avail) leaving no time to fight basic disease and infection.

Name: Maggot

Nickname: Maggie

Age: ???

Gender: Intersex (He/She/They, will sometimes refer to themselves as "we" due to the live worm parasite)

Height: 5'3"

Sexuality: ???

Personality: Aloof, twitchy, watchful, unhinged

★Tail is a live worm parasite

-constantly tweaking and twitching, they are very sick as their body fights the parasite instead of illness and the parasite itself steals majority nutrients Maggie manages to scrape together
-So ill they don't really understand basic gestures and tone
-They ESPECIALLY don't understand receiving kindness, it confuses them
-Cannibalistic, they don't understand right and wrong and worm forces them to eat other rats anyway
-Has a real name they've long forgotten