Lucius II (Adult)



Due to Lucia no longer identifying as a female lioness in adulthood, I will continue on by referring Luci with he/him pronouns rather than she/her. He also now goes by Lucius II, although, his nickname is still Luci.

Design Notes:
- Finally, he has a mane! Head tuft/bangs are still present and are long and spiky, still sharped shaped. Though the tips reach his eyes, they don't typically go pass it since he now actually gets haircuts lmao. The two little hairs (his salt lick) are still there, making his life a hell. No matter how hard he tries to put them down, they constantly stick upwards, no matter what. Must be shown in commissions.
- Mane color would be three colors, so, he'd technically have a three-toned mane. The first would be blonde, as seen on his elbow tufts and neck tufts (in his adolescent reference). The second would be a dark brown, as seen on his tail tip. And third would be the dark color under the chin area as seen in usually all manes. The top of his mane is blonde, typical of his family lineage and the bottom of his mane is dark brown. His father's mane is blonde at the top, black at the bottom. His grandfather's mane (on his mother's side) has a mane which is light brown at the top and dark brown at the bottom. So on.
- The inside of his ears are furry looking rather than round.
- Mostly well groomed but there are some hairs that 'rebel' and stick out randomly and messily.
- Long chin tuft that sticks forward rather than downwards (same applies to his beard).
- Ear tufts have fully grown in.
- Long cheek tufts that stick downwards.
- Cheek bones are prominent, despite cheek tufts.
- Blonde elbow tufts, nicely groomed just like his cub reference.
- Underbelly paw markings extend slightly further down the paw.
- Circular dark eye rims.
- Has light leg fading.
- Back marking's point is rounded rather than triangular. Ends before reaches tail.
- Lucius II has gotten huge. He still has long legs, his paws are huge, and he has a very muscular build to accompany it. Very healthy, just very strong looking dude. He's been training to become a Warrior as soon as he was six months old, so, he's an absolute unit of strength. His body is more like a male lion now due to all the training, masculine.
- Two ear spots at the top of the ear.
- Make sure to look at scars.
- Overall, just a content lion who has become very secure and confident in himself. He possesses the cockiness and smugness of his cub self. His pose is one of confidence and power, just very sure of himself and very happy. His expression is a determined one, a handsome confidence that he's able to take out the world. Lucius has the habit of furrowing his eyebrows, he'd look very angry but he's always seen smiling in a determined fashion.