
1 year, 8 days ago


The Last Human in the Isles.

Genderfluid (Any Pronouns)
Neutral Good
Manufactured food(?)

Mai is a human from our world who was kidnapped and brought to another dimension completely different from their own, The Isles.

They were brought to the Isles to be manufactured food, as the Isles was rapidly dying and lacking food sources; with most inhabitants eating dirt, plants, and resorting to cannibalism to survive. On the way to their slaughter house, Mai was able to convince two of the people bringing them to the factory to ally with them. Mai is distressed; they don’t know why they are here, if they were truly meant to be food or used for something else, not sure if they can ever go back home, let alone survive this nightmarish world. Despite all this, they still do their best to be optimistic and see the best in situations.

A gentle soul admist a cruel world.

Mai out of place, scared, and confused but they do their best not to show it and be optimistic. Just a little guy who does their best for the people they care for, and struggles with self-worth and feeling like they don’t belong. They are the glue that holds their dysfunctional party together, seeing as the other two have grown very fond of Mai but not much with each other.

Mai is very timid, yet very curious. Often letting their curiosity get the better of them. They are pretty shy, but tend to be more bubbly with people they are comfortable with. Mai is very observant of others and caring to a fault, doing their best for the others despite their scary situation. They also have a habit of being clumsy, finding themselves constantly getting injured or in unfortunate situations (getting stuck, tripping constantly, getting hurt in battle due to mistakes, etc.).

Mai is very kind, but that is also their biggest fault. They are too kind and trusting. This causes them to give the cruel people of this world the benefit of the doubt, despite it possibly causing more dire issues down the line. They also have the habit of self-sacrificing, willing to put their party above themselves. This causes them to get injured several times, and has almost led to their death.


  • They struggle to stomach some of the horrific sights they see in the Isles, often throwing up as a result.
  • They often rip off pieces of their own clothing to bandage wounds, so their sweatpants are now booty shorts hidden beneath their baggy flannel.
  • As a kid, they used to be a gymnast who was trained by Romanian Olympic coaches. They are slightly rusty, but thankfully their flexibility and skills come in handy in the Isles.
  • Is ok with walking around in just underwear and a sports bra. To them, it is no different from wearing a bikini.
  • Underneath their clothing, they were a necklace that they consider their good luck charm. The blue heart charm and the yen being a gift from their mom.
  • They were an older sibling back in their home world, having a younger sister they used to hate but grew protective of as they grew up. They also grew up with lots of dogs, becoming very fond of beagles and other animals.
  • They were an inspiring artist, in their junior year of art school back in their home world.
  • Loves info-dumping, but can be pretty self-conscious of it.
  • Their voice claim is Megumi Ogata, VA of Shinji (Evangeleon) and many other notable roles.
  • Flower associations are forget-me-nots and buttercups.
Most of their original items were taken when they arrived...


They stole the dagger off one of their kidnappers, it's been really handy!

Rusty Danger

They found another dagger in the factory, but it is pretty rusty...still works fine though.


  • Scapel
  • Half a ration
  • Hair from when they cut their longer hair
  • A rubberband
  • A mechanical pencil
  • Clothing from their world
They learned magic to survive.

Mending (Sorcerer • V, S, M)

Casting Time
1 minute

This spell repairs a single break or tear in an object you touch, such as a broken chain link, two halves of a broken key, a torn cloak, or a leaking wineskin. As long as the break or tear is no larger than 1 foot in any dimension, you mend it, leaving no trace of the former damage. This spell can physically repair a magic item or construct, but the spell can't restore magic to such an object.

Message Cantrip (Sorcerer • V, S, M)

Casting Time
1 action
1 round
Whispers a message to one target.

You point your finger toward a creature within range and whisper a message. The target (and only the target) hears the message and can reply in a whisper that only you can hear.

Minor Illusion Cantrip (Sorcerer • S, M)

Casting Time
1 minute
1 minute

You create a sound or an image of an object within range that lasts for the duration. The illusion also ends if you dismiss it as an action or cast this spell again.

Arms of Hadar 1st Level (Sorcerer • V, S)

Casting Time
1 action
2D6 necrotic damage

You invoke the power of Hadar, the Dark Hunger. Tendrils of dark energy erupt from you and batter all creatures within 10 feet of you. Each creature in that area must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, a target takes 2d6 necrotic damage and can’t take reactions until its next turn. On a successful save, the creature takes half damage, but suffers no other effect.

Burning Hands 1st Level (Sorcerer • V, S)

Casting Time
1 action
3D6 fire damage

As you hold your hands with thumbs touching and fingers spread, a thin sheet of flames shoots forth from your outstretched fingertips. Each creature in a 15-foot cone must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 3d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The fire ignites any flammable objects in the area that aren't being worn or carried.

Comprehend Languages 1st Level (Sorcerer • V, S, M)

Casting Time
1 action
Allows user to understand any language

For the duration, you understand the literal meaning of any spoken language that you hear. You also understand any written language that you see, but you must be touching the surface on which the words are written. It takes about 1 minute to read one page of text.

Dissonant Whispers 1st Level (Sorcerer • V)

Casting Time
1 action
Deals 3D6 psychic damage

You whisper a discordant melody that only one creature of your choice within range can hear, wracking it with terrible pain. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 3d6 psychic damage and must immediately use its reaction, if available, to move as far as its speed allows away from you. The creature doesn’t move into obviously dangerous ground, such as a fire or a pit. On a successful save, the target takes half as much damage and doesn’t have to move away. A deafened creature automatically succeeds on the save.

A lost soul in an unfamiliar world.


Mai is a human initially from our world. They lived a pretty normal life; growing up in a home with a decent family, had a decent childhood, a good education, had a few close friends, and was in the middle of getting their degree at art school. However during their junior year of college, they ended up getting kidnapped and brought to another dimension completely different from their own. They ended up in the Isles, a series of four floating islands in the sky. They can't remember the circumstances of their kidnapping.

The Isles

Mai awoken to being blindfolded, being forced to walk against their will at the hands of magic. They had no clue what was happening, but thought quickly. They could tell they were surrounded by a group of some kind. And from their exchanges, none of them were friendly with each other. They somehow managed to get the attention of one of them, without any of the others noticing them, and attempted to convince this person to ally with them as an equal. The person agreed, under the pretenses that Mai had to prove themselves worth allying with. Resulting Mai in facing the other members of the group. Managing to outwit them, Mai incapacitated two of them, leaving one left. The last member had not attacked them watch, remaining on the sidelines watching them. Mai asked what their deal was, if they were a friend or foe, but only to get confusing answers back. The person asked Mai if they wanted them to go against their orders, which after a frustrating conversation Mai agreed thinking it was to kidnap them. The person quickly shot and killed his two incapacitated allies, shocking Mai and the other member. He raised his gun towards his last group member, but Mai quickly stopped him. They found out his orders were to protect his party, which lead to Mai screaming at him. After a rather confusing exchange, these three ended up forming an odd group. And seeing as they didn't seem to have names, Mai gave them the names Ivan (their first ally) and Hal (the gun-user). Ivan explained what the Isles were, the circumstances the Isles were in, his job to escort Mai to the factory to become food, and that he didn't know much else. Most of their options seemed hopeless, but they eventually decided to head towards the West Isles Factory, with the idea of infiltrating it to find a way to escape.

As they made their way to the factory they faced many challenges; Hal being lost, Mai being attacked by a direwolf, the party fleeing for cover due to the unsafety of night, and the long journey to the factory. But eventually, they were able to get to it and successfully get in.

The West Isles Factory

The party entered the creepy factory, and to their shock there weren't many people around. Just a few guards at the entrance. Eventually, they headed towards the actual factory area, but before making it, they were faced with a horrific creature. The creature stared at them from behind a door as the party remained frozen in fear. Mai eventually rushed to close the door, but it was much stronger than they were. It grabbed them, and eventually led to a very scary battle between it and the party. It was horrific, resembling that of a skinwalker from Mai's world, with several more limbs. Eventually, they were able to kill the creature, but everyone had gotten severe acidic burns. The party rested in a locked room, but Mai and Hal succumbed to infected wounds. Ivan did his best to heal them, but Hal's scarring would become permanent. Mai ended up getting sick as well. They stayed as Mai recovered, but ended up leaving after Hal discovered an area with rabbits being watched by someone. They ended up acquiring the party member Yuki, the rabbit, and made their way deeper into the factory. But they soon encountered a single soul in the factory, Hal rushed towards them, ripping their head off and biting into it. Mai rushed to him to stop him, but realized the person he killed looked exactly liked him. Unable to take the shock of the situation and the strain of their sick body, they fainted.

Mai awoke in the arms of Hal, carrying them to who knows where with Ivan nowhere to be seen. Mai eventually decides to trust Hal, and they make their way to find Ivan. They struggle with puzzles, and being discovered by another worker, but eventually find themselves back at the factory doors. Hal did not want to go in, but went with Mai's persistence as they wanted to make sure Ivan wasn't in there. They explored the inside of the factory, stumbling across several rooms. Entering a lab room with unknown creatures in test tubes, Mai looked around in search of Ivan. Only to end up alerting a creature from behind a door. They entered an intense battle, with Hal and Mai struggling to keep the door it was in shut as it attacked them. They won the batlle, but Mai was severely hurt and close to death. There was only one room left unsearched, and Mai wanted to look inside. However, Hal did not, picking up Mai and carrying them away. Mai was beginning to get scared of Hal's unusual behavior, and yelled at him to let them go. They broke free and rushed towards the door, with Hal screaming at them to stop. He grabbed them, as they yelled out in fear. The door opened, revealing Ivan staring at them in horror. Mai broke free of Hal's grip and rushed through the door, closing it behind them. Eventually, Mai found out that the Hal they were with was not the Hal they knew. After some more rest, exploring, fights, and discoveries. The party decided to escape the factory. Opting to flee the West Isle in hopes of their survival being better in the North Isle.


The party manages to escape the West Isle, but not without conflict. They had to fight against a pack of direwolves, another creature that escaped the factory, and eventually finds an injured tiefling that Mai decides to trust. The tiefling betrays them, throwing Mai onto the unstable bridge connecting the West Isle to the North Isle, causing severe damage to their spin and leaving them dangling off the edge. Enraged by this, Ivan and Hal proceed to fight and brutally torture the tiefling as Mai struggles to lift themselves up. Ivan and Hal mercelessly kill the tiefling and rush to Mai's rescue. Mai loses their grip, but thankfully Hal manages to grab them just in time. They are brought to safety and Ivan heals them. Eventually, they cross the bridge, make it to the North Isle, and bypass the guard with no issues. Now, they must learn to deal with the unknown circumstances of the North Isle.

They met under bad circumstances, but their bonds are strong.


"He makes me feel safe...he is always there for me, helping me, protecting me. He has done so much for me. I need to return the favor..."

They started off as enemies, since Ivan was taking Mai to the factory to become manufactured food. However, that quickly changed after Mai convinced him to team up with them. He was standoffish, but warmed up to Mai after seeing how kind they were (something that was essentially nonexistent in their world at this point). Ivan was a comforting presence to Mai as well, being nice to chat with and had helped them out several times too. When they end up trapped in the factory and fight to survive against horrific experiments created there, they end up finding even more comfort in each other and forming a deeper bond.

Mai has developed feelings for Ivan, especially after; he carried them bridal style running for 2 hours, lent them his coat to sleep with since they almost got frostbite, bonded through chatting, Ivan rushing to try and help them during the first creature encounter, saving them from infected wounds, sung to them to calm them, letting them rest on him while they were sick, came to their aid when they were kidnapped by a creature, saved their glasses after they almost lost them, sucked the poison out of their finger, and genuinely shown that he cares about them. But Mai hasn’t realized their own feelings yet. They feel most safe with Ivan. However, they are really embarrassed with themselves for how pathetic and clumsy they have been in front of him and their other party member. And they feel guilty for Ivan getting an eye injury during a battle, resulting in him getting a scar on his right eye and becoming half-blind.

However, they are really embarrassed with themselves for how pathetic and clumsy they have been in front of him and their other party member. And they feel guilty for Ivan getting an eye injury during a battle, resulting in him getting a scar on his right eye and becoming half-blind.



"He is hard to understand, especially since he seems to experience age regression. And the stuff with him regarding the experiments scares me...but I know he seems to really care about me. And despite everything, I care about him too..."

The bond between Mai and Hal is an extremely odd one. Due to Hal being mentally regressed to a mind of a kid, Mai more often than not keeps an eye on him. They are extremely patience with him and does their best to explain things to him in a way he could understand. Because of this, Hal has become extremely attached to Mai. Almost like a dog becoming attached to its owner, or a kid to their parent. Hal is able to feel Mai's emotions and does his best to comfort them in his own odd way. Meanwhile Mai comforts him in an almost motherly way.

The relationship is unknown when Hal is mentally back to his actual age. His motives, and feelings towards Mai, remain unknown to them. He is very cynical and toys with them. Mai was initially upset by his "normal" self, seeing as he treated them awfully and revealed a lot about their situation. However, after much debating, they view his "normal" self like a rebellious teen. At least, that's how he comes across to Mai. The regressed Hal is like their child, while the "normal" Hal is like a rebellious teen.

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