


1 year, 13 days ago


Aviatrix Ginkgo

Red Army ✧ Forest Legion


"It's a total joke but y'know what? Giggle. How 'bout that."

Namesake Living Fossil Tree

Alias Kyo (by Ocelot)

Age Adult

Allegiance Red Army

Residence Red Army Headquarters

Soulbound No

Gender Female

MBTI ISFP probably

Alignment Neutral Good

Hatching Place Forest Apex

Backstory »

Ginkgo hatched two iterances after her brother Ocelot to a powerful Forest Legion family. Despite familial influence, Ginkgo always marched to the beat of her own drum, passionate and flexible to the changes in the world around her. In her youth, she often failed to get the attention of her brother, which discouraged her and soured their relationship. Additionally, her parents weren't receptive to her go-with-the-flow outlook either, causing her to seek approval elsewhere.

As her brother left the family group and she watched as their parents started down a dark path, Ginkgo chose to stay by them, staying open minded despite disagreeing with their ways. It wasn't until seasons later when their views grew destructive that Ginkgo chose to stop associating with her parents. Though they treated her 'betrayal' the same way they reacted to her brother's leaving, she would not get off so easily: those who followed her parents' ideologies wanted her to pay for it. A group of them found her and mugged her, taking all she had and beating her senseless. They finished her off by gouging her chest and leaving her to bleed out.

Ginkgo knew she couldn't return to the Forest Apex, so she ran to the only connection she knew would still be sympathetic: her brother. To her relief she found his hut in the same place he said he'd settle down many seasons prior. Cycles had passed since the confrontation, and Ginkgo was on the brink of death, but Ocelot agreed to shelter her and help to clean up her wounds. With time, Ocelot and his knowledge of medicinal plants was able to stabilize her condition, though the gash on her chest was too infected to heal properly and would leave a permanent scar.

Having nowhere else to go, Ginkgo stayed with Ocelot, offering to help him in whatever way she could with the making and selling of his creations. She tried her best to not be a hinderance in return for Ocelot's generosity. She did however call into question some of the figures he regularly bartered with whom he never bothered to learn about despite their questionable business practices and lack of legion ties. This inquiry revealed to them the Red Army, and the chance to join a group of fellow outcasts who would tend to their needs and - most importantly to Ginkgo - protect them from future attacks. With some difficulty, Ginkgo convinced Ocelot to accept their offer, leaving behind a life of lonliness and fear for one of comradery and potential.

True to her nature, Ginkgo immediately took to the many opportunities of the Red Army, and she eventually settled into the path of the Aviatrix. She isn't very attached to the political motives of the Army, but she does what she's told and absorbs all she is taught like a sponge. Among her comrades, she's willing to side with anyone willing to pull a harmless prank against her brother. Ginkgo is content with how far she's come and is always prepared to keep moving forward.

Relationships »

Curatrix Ocelot


Ginkgo is forever grateful for her brother's help in her greatest moment of need, but he's still her brother - she's going to poke fun at him any chance she gets.

Adjutrix Seraph


Most dragons hardly recognize Seraph's presence; Ginkgo embraces it. The two are very good friends who are willing to be open with each other.

Extras »

Design Elements

Modified Spines - The telltale sign of Ginkgo's heritage. The keratin contributing to a typical dragon's spines is instead structured more similarly to hair. They are quite sensitive to touch.

Scars - The tears on her chest did not heal right, and the patch is permanently discoloured.

Torn Ear - Another injury from the attack, a result of her expensive gemstone earring being ripped from her ear.