Baxter Diamondback



1 year, 11 days ago


Baxter Diamondback is a certified bounty hunter and as crazy as he is he really doesnt mind the dangerous work at all. As a matter of fact he enjoy the work finding the evil bad guys and just killing and eliminating them for fun. He enjoys the thrill of the kill and will do whatever it takes to get the job done. He rarely shows any mercy and him showing you mercy will be your lucky day to be alive. He is a psychotic bounty hunter who doesnt mind killing whoever is the target. But doesnt like to kill children it goes against his morals and doesnt want that on his conscious he wants his beauty sleep. It may be hard to be buddies or to get on  his good side. But if you do manage to get on his good side then your life is spared for now unless you make him angry. He is known as the "Psychotic Devil" or the "Bloodied Bloodhound". He sometimes teases his targets that he can smell their fear and can track them with his sense of smell. He could saying that to make them scared or he can actually track anyone with his sense of smell and that what makes him very deadly bounty hunter.

"C'mon now.... you can't hide for looooonngg... I can smeeeelllllll yoooooouuu..I am the hunter.. and YOU are my PREY!"

Likes: Guns, Melee Weapons, Killing Bad Guys, Buying New Weapons 

Dislikes: Hurting or Killing Children, Crooked Cops, Injustice