Lady Bird



1 year, 22 days ago


Lady Bird

Star of Jewel Hive

Name Lady Bird
Pronouns She/Her
Hive jewel Hive
Age 107
Tribe Hivewing
Occupation Singer, Actress


Introvert Extrovert

Optimist Pessimist

Thinking Feeling

Apathetic Empathetic

Cautious Careless

Mature Immature

Lawful Chaotic

Good Evil


  • Fancy dinners
  • Performances
  • Jewelery


  • One sided Conversations
  • spicy foods
  • the color yellow


  • Named after ladybugs
  • has 3 children
  • Previously widowed with an arranged husband

Lady Bird is a foxy, elderly Hivewing residing in jewel hive. her appearance is remeniscent of roses, faded and speckled due to her age. She wears eyeshadow matching that of her eyes, and is decorated with various silver jewelery adorned with teal gemstones. All of the jewelery appears to match eachother, aside from some pearl strung bracelets and necklaces.

Lady Bird was raised in a very well off family prior to the reign of Queen Wasp. She was arranged to marry another hivewing from another rich family in an unknown hive. This husband later passed when they were both in their 70's, providing Lady Bird with an escape. She didn't hate her once late husband, but she did not share any romantic feelings for him, instead seeing it purely for what it was: material gain. She had 2 dragonets with this husband, their names being Hawkmoth and Mayfly. After the death of her late husband she sought out new life in acting and singing in the bountiful halls of Jewel hive, well known for her wealth and funding of many of the hives theatrical aspects.



During her performance career she met and fell in love with Aphid, her now official husband since the de-throning of Queen Wasp. They loved in secret, with Lady Bird first meeting him while searching for the source of all her previous jewelery, all of which was gifted to her by her late husband. Upon meeting him she fell in love with his kindness and devotion to his work, and she regularly came back to commission more and more jewelery from him until she finally built the courage to ask him for lunch together. They have been happy ever since, even having one singular dragonet together, named Sap.


Sweet moon is a stout and short night/sand hybrid. She is primarily a soft, dark purple, with a cream underbelly and faint pink fades. She also has a star on her forehead, and large, green eyes.

Her design is primarily meant to be very soft and rounded, both to make her more akin to her dwarfism and make her design seem more friendly. Including her usual design elements, she also has lots of jewelery worn interchangeable. She is typically more reserved in her mannerisms.

Design Notes

  • One of the primary accessories she wears, her dragonfly earings, are permanent. These earings are a memorial to a someone close to me who passed.
  • Other accessories include rings, necklaces, etc, most of them made by her brother, who is a jewelery smith.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.