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Angennies gacha!


Heheh they’re just MUAH!! x3

Beautiful! Pretty! Pretty! 💖💖

Kobey (KoKo) ! Goes by He/They - Trans Male


A spunky lad who has a lot of things to share! A conversation with him could last for hours and he always has something new or interesting to say.

Sometimes he’ll even say the most random thing that pops up it his mind. Although he’ll apologize; but if you happen to ask him to elaborate, he’ll hop to it and go into more detail.

- Besties for life with Celano! They go on shopping sprees all the time, and I can imagine KoKo rambling on about new clothes :3

“Oohhh my GAWD! Celano! Celano! Did you hear about the new clothing line that just dropped?? Like girl, you’d totally slay the outfit that everyone’s been talking about nonstop! Ohh! You should totally model these outfits I picked out! Like this cute CUTE top I found! Especially with these shorts! And look at this shoes!! Ahh!! It’ll just make you POP! Especially with the makeup I found from-”