


1 year, 20 days ago


Age 18
Gender male, but most ppl treat him as a girl
Race Tiger, Serval, sheltie mix
Orient. what is this
D.O.B 6/5

A bit bossy, def. has a superiority complex, but is very loyal.

Used to be a bit different in his past life... now Vixen is childish, quiet, and sometimes a bit cold/cruel. He is also very logical and hardly ever gets involved on fights.

He doesnt remember much about his past life... he knows he was a powerful man and had more than millions obeying him.

  • video games
  • anime
  • series
  • toys, plushies
  • guns
  • studying
  • learning
  • rules
  • crowds
  • losing


A cruel dictator, invaded and ruled many countries. His soldiers were the best in the world, everyone tried defeating him but no one could get even close to the empire. All of that power concentrated in a single man's hand was too much, in a way divine beings (angels) had to stop him. After defeating that guy, the angels made he get reincarnated as a puppy mutt girl in the future.

Vixen's name was Andy. He does remember being "Andy", but not much in details. He feels... weird knowing he is in today's history books.


A funny guy... he is a bit dumb and wasted his teenage years being a lazy loser, he didnt had much friends nor was dedicated with his studies. Doesn't know what to work with, but will try being a diplomat, since he HATES mathematics and don't want to work with it. Vixen doesn't care about his future because he believe his "glory days" are over.

Design Notes

  • fluffy, veeery fluffy.
  • has serval ears, but one of them is always down, like a puppy's ear.
  • spots can be random.
  • likes to take plushies everywhere, u are very encoraged to draw him with one or two.
  • Doesn't have claws.

  • He remembers a bit of his past, but history books helped him remind even more.
  • Doesn't plan on take over the world again, just wants to have fun.
  • LOOOOVES plushies.
  • Still plays with toys like a child.
  • Never told anyone about his past life.
. . .