Heyo I'm back :] 

What would you take for 5?

could i offer art or art/money mix for number 4?

yeah that'd be fine :] how much money and what type of art? (headshot, halfbody, fullbody, ect?)

could i do a fullbody and $7? maybe a headshot too if you feel that’s more fair 

the fullbody and 7 is fair ^^ would you be able to draw https://toyhou.se/7440244.liko ? if not then https://toyhou.se/11338724.ace#35515421 would be fine

i can do ace! and i’ll send that $7 with the $12 for the other rn

$19 has been sent!

i just finished the ace fullbody too!

did you get the money ? just wondering when i can get them transferred ^^

yeah i did ^^ sending them over in a minute

1 Replies

I love 6 so much- would you ever take art for them?

yeah I'd art for them! Would a fullbody for them be fair?

Bah this is such a late reply, but yeah! What character?

Aww yeah! And pose you want?

any is fine ^^

9 Replies

Can I do a roll?

yeah sure! send to [email protected] ^^


I love number four!

ty! ^^

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yeah ofc!! send to [email protected]

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its fine!! theyll be transferred in a minute

id like a roll!

great! send to [email protected] :]


you rolled 7, keep or reroll?


alr ill transfer them now!!

could you hold one of them for a few days for AB?

yeah which one?

5 if thats still open!

yep! I'll put them on hold

hey did you cancel, or forget? ;^^

hi!! so sorry about the delay, I actually did forget ';;; im so sorry qwq

its fine! If your still interested then send the 30 to [email protected] 

hey im gonna take them off hold

May I buy a roll?

In paypal or DA points?

Paypal please! Is it the hotmail email in the other comment?



You rolled 2! Keep or reroll?

3 Replies

**grabs you** can i AB #9???

Yeah of course!! I'll send them over in a minute

oh also send to [email protected] lol forgot that part
