Ophelia Thorney



1 year, 1 month ago


Much like the Aquatos, the Thorneys struggled with a family "curse"... although their grim curse proved itself to be seemingly true over and over. Misfortune and premature death seemed to be hereditary for the family, with many of them going fully insane, dying in accidents, taking their own lives, etc.  What seemed to be a very real curse was actually just generations upon generations of breeding on the grounds of Shaky Claim and Lake Oblongata's enormous psitanium deposit. 

The granddaughter of the infamous Houston Thorney, Ophelia felt a keen need to help others, particularly those who had resided in her grandfather's facility. Ophelia developed a somewhat dark sense of humor as grounds for coping with her constant loss and acceptance of her impending early demise. She was the longest surviving Thorney at the time of her death, and on record, the last of the Thorneys..... but she did in fact have a son, one kept far away from the Thorney birthplace, name, and legacy.

During her time taking care of the former patients of Thorney Tower, Ophelia became acquainted with a young, very depressed man named Caligosto Zilch. He had been kicked out of dental school and had a very rough childhood he seemed to have either forgotten or refused to discuss. Ophelia took great pity on him and felt it was her duty in some way to help him out of his unfortunate situation. After months of trying to get him to crack, the two actually developed a very close bond. Her caring but tough motherly air was something that Caligosto didn't know he needed, and her presence helped him to feel stable for the first time in years. Needless to say he became a bit codependent on her and the two fell in love. Ophelia had always been a detached person, for fear that her family curse would only ruin the lives of others, but this relationship felt different, considering Caligosto had already lead such an unfortunate life... not to write him off as a lost cause or anything... But her situation changed dramatically when she found out she was pregnant. Suddenly her fears returned. She wasn't just sharing her misfortune with another unlucky person anymore, she was bringing into the world another doomed child-- another Thorney.

Ophelia found it hard to face Cal, and their relationship deteriorated, along with his mental state. She panicked. She needed anywhere else for this child to go, anywhere safe and normal for it to grow up. Cal had never talked about his childhood, but whatever it was, in the moment she assumed it could not have been as bad a situation as what her cursed existence would provide for a child. So she sent the baby away to the Zilches, who were happy to take in the child, viewing it as a second chance of sorts. She could never bring herself to return to Caligosto or tell him what she did. Tragically, she had to let him go, and let her son go too.

She died a mysterious death, found sunken deep in the depths of Lake Oblongata.