Barcrucio Valrick



1 year, 17 days ago


General info:

  • CN High-Elf (⅓ Drow)
  • Born 3. Fenwel 2298 AR 
  • Settled at age 31. 
  • Residences: The Thistlebrook Cemetery.

A pale gray skinned elf with many beauty marks and moles dotting his skin, with dull gray hair and dark purple eyes. He’s dressed in varying shades of purple, pink and blue with an intricate cut knitted two-piece, a harness, and a kimono. He also wears leather gloves, boots (pants?), and a hat with many random items scattered upon it. He wears asymmetrical sunglasses with a pearl and silver chain wrapped around it. He wears beautiful gothic makeup and is a twig. He is; Goth Taako.

Barcrucio is a wacky knitting machine of great gothic proportions. Because of the Forget-Me-Knot curse on him he lives larger than life and is not afraid to make a fool of himself. He likes to think of himself as an undiscovered star of this world and will act with just as much entitlement. Although, all his bravado is to hide a ball of anxiety always spirling under the surface. He is afraid that nobody will be able to remember him before it’s too late, and wishes more than anything to have his curse lifted so he can truly live, instead of just being the annoying ghost of Thistlebrook cemetery, although he has to admit, the actual ghosts aren’t too bad of company…


Born to Lunette Valvrick, and twin brother to Estine Valvrick, Barcrucio grew up in high society, and received a good education thanks to their family’s social standing. Barcrucio always had a knack for magic. It came naturally to him to the point where he barely tried, yet he would still be the top of his class. Because of this, he and his sister were never close. Estine was silently enraged by her brother’s natural arcane talents when she had to work twice as hard as him only to get second place. Barcrucio loved the attention magic would garner him, but wished that he felt comfortable enough to fail at other things in order to learn new hobbies or skills. Barcrucio liked to think of himself as a jack of many trades, but all he could really do naturally well was magic. 

He eventually got bored of being the golden child and started to act out in his teens, not studying at all and skipping out on classes to just hang out in the most odd places he could stuff himself into. As his grades plummeted, he was still getting attention, meanwhile, Estine began to exile in her brother’s absence, in turn, she became more rueful of him. How dare he not even try? She was supposed to beat him fair and square! So, Einstein crafted a curse, one that would teach him a lesson. Under the guise of “hashing things out”, Estine casted her first hand crafted curse on her brother; The Forget-Me-Knot Curse. The curse would make everyone forget his existence the moment they stopped looking at him or could no longer see him. It was the perfect lesson to teach someone who loved attention such as him, and even though she only made it to last for a day, he didn’t need to know that... 

Unbeknownst to Estine however, she accidentally made the curse more potent than she thought, and soon enough, she forgot her own brother existed and the curse took hold of him, permanently. Barcrucio tried to get anyone to remember him, who he was, or even that he existed, but the moment they looked away or he was out of sight, it was like he was never there. He was a living ghost. Barcrucio was forced to leave his home and live off of only what he managed to carry. It was years before he found his footing again. 

But the thing is, Barcrucio realized that if people can’t remember you, nothing you do can truly connect back to you. So, he picked up knitting, and yeah, he was shit at it, but he had time to spare and soon enough he was covering public benches in yarn, or whole walls were covered in knitted material. He wore whatever he liked, he talked however he liked, and when he found forbidden magic he made sure to pich it as his new arcanic study.. Turns out, when you can summon the dead you learn that only ghosts aren’t affected by your forgetting curse. And even though Barcrucio figured out all these things.. He still searched, little by little, for a way to reverse his curse. He even tried blackstone, but all that did was give people migraines when they looked at him, and made himself vomit every other hour. 

He was nearly about to give up on finding a way to reverse his curse, committing grave robbery in a local cemetery for shits and giggles, when it turns out the one person who can remember him is the protector of the graves he was currently desecrating.. After a few cat and mouse games (where the gnome was ironically the cat-) Towa, the protector of these graves, promised Barcrucio she would help him find a way to break his curse, and in the meantime, Barc didn'd mind sleeping in empty graves, as long as there's company outside of it…


2298 AR - 2316 AR
Childhood - Teen. Good easy upbringing. 

2316 AR
Cursed by his sister to be forgotten.

39975 AR
Meets Towa.


  • To break his curse


  • He's fucking insane.
  • Smokes Lavender Incense. His lungs are fucked.
  • Trans FTM.