anyone in my sales/market! 

or a custom :] check my recent designs for some examples

awwwwh man!! your designs are so gorgeous but i didn’t see any in your sales folder that i connected with, is it alright if i consider the custom offer for a bit? <3

yep!! just lmk if you decide on taking the custom offer :)

Hello!!! Anyone in my th is up for offers for this pretty goober :3 Not too many cats iirc, bit still some really pretty creatures! Might even consider someone from my mains if I'm not extremely attached <3

hiii! i had a look through your characters and they’re all very pretty! unfortunately no one really caught my eye :(

25$ robux

are you offering 25$ worth of robux or 25 robux?


then, no… that’s like 30 cents

Wym by that?/gen

25 robux = exactly 31 cents (usd)

2 Replies