Evelyn Walker



1 year, 24 days ago

Basic Info

Full Name:

Evelyn "Olive" Walker (Debating whether or not I’m swapping her last name with Arianna: St. Rose)


Evie, Eve, Lyn, Hazelnut, Olive

Eye color:

Pink/Gold and Azure Blue/Green (Heterochromia)

Hair color:

Rainbow Sunrise


Physically: 21. Real-World Time: 23. Lore-Wise: Somewhere in her mid to late 20s


5’7 (Without boots) - 5’9 (With boots)

Tail Length:

Full Length: 7’5” (Rare), Casual Length: 4’5”








12/31 @ 5:30 am‬


Dimensional Trailblazer


Drawing‬, Reading, Cooking


Euccoria, Philendale

Elemental Core:

Leadership (Light)


PTSD (Massive fiery explosions do not sit well with her after her mother disappeared in a freak accident)




Elliott, x, x, and x

Personality at a glance:

Laidback, Quiet, Mellow, straightforward, easygoing, cynical, sweet


Unlabeled (Star/Crystal), Time, Telekinesis, Teleportation


Additional Story Notes:

Evelyn can hide things in her tail

She often daydreams about having her mom back or being in a book she read like Alan Wake, sometimes it gets in the way of her work.

Evelyn is very protective about who can touch her. She only allows her mom to hug and hold her and that was from birth. When someone immediately hugs her she’ll tense up and be super awkward about it. But when in a tense situation and she's by herself, she’ll self-soothe by rubbing her arms sub-consciously. Evelyn can overthink, but she uses facts to reassure herself, she’s learning how to trust herself and her friends, and not rely on logic.

Evelyn has an emotional meter within her Heart Core, if she gets overly excited with any emotion, the Core will connect to her earpieces, send a shock that’s powerful enough to knock her out [System Error] [Sensory OverLoad Detected] and her status halo will go red and glitch out

If she fights for too long it'll feel like she can't breathe, and her Core will alert her of an impending Sensory Overload. She usually warns Elliott and swaps out or runs away. Evelyn has a knack for bottling up her emotions and having close calls with Overloads. She typically responds with anger when triggered.

Evelyn appears doll-like because her emotions are suppressed to a degree due to her Heart... she’ll smile though it’s a rarity. Instead of looking angry, she’ll look annoyed. When she’s sad, her face is unreadable. Fear is another thing... much like when she’s happy, this emotion shows up clearly, not in her voice, but in her body language. Otherwise, she’ll be eerily calm… however, Evelyn can have an overproduction of energy and becomes either anxious or hyperactive. She doodles or paces while making a phone call.


Evelyn is an introvert with some social skills. She has a quiet and mellow demeanor.

Evelyn has a snarky and crude sense of humor and often hides a childlike enthusiasm about her treasured ideas.

Evelyn can be seen as quiet and mysterious, she's slightly lethargic after book 1. Evelyn hides in her wings when she’s nervous, scared, embarrassed, or overstimulated. Evelyn automatically gets loud when she’s really excited. She gets called intense and straightforward, and that she acts like a cat quite a lot.

She won’t go out of her way to interact with anyone, instead she’ll wait until the moment she can’t interact and integrate properly. Otherwise she’ll (not often) hang out around the outskirts or linger around certain people and then get roped in. If she’s annoyed and/or you’re annoying her, she can/will snap. She’s very silent in some scenarios (she's always thinking), but can hold a conversation if she feels comfortable enough, and when it comes to her goals… otherwise she will shut down the conversation, and move away.

She gives off the first impression of being anti-social, but she is the most interesting and fun once you get to know her. She’s highly adaptable. She understands how much she doesn’t know. She has an insatiable curiosity. She’s open-minded for the most part. She likes her own company most of the time. Her humor is broken. She’s sensitive to other people's experiences which is compatible with her original heart of gold and contradicts her attempts to be cold. Evelyn is intuitive and analytical and uses logic over emotion (sometimes). She even has handbooks on dimensions.