


1 year, 16 days ago


Sometimes you just gotta force your way through!
Name: Fryst
Nicknames: Frostie, Fryst-Fryst
Age: Old
D.O.B.: December 13th
Gender: Male
Orientation: Asexual, Panromantic
Height: 4'6
Weapon: Iron Axe
Role: Side character
Value: no 👍
Obtained: Originally created 10 Nov 2020
  • Flowers
  • Extreme cold
  • Minor pranks
  • Small talk
  • Wyvern Riders/Draco Knights
  • Guts (But not blood)
  • Fire
  • Dogs

♡ Personality - Overall very mysterious; keeps gender, species, and age hidden but remains very lighthearted. Is very mischevious, most of his supports consisting of him joking with others and getting misunderstood or pranking someone else together. Hardly pays attention to the world's events and often has to be informed of what's happening (things like wars, kingdoms, deaths, etc.) when he isn't directly part of it. Is generally the type to enjoy making the occasional dark joke.

Stays more-or-less the same when found during Awakening, though he occasionally gets emotional and stares off into space due to grief. Joins the Shephards after getting "adopted" in cat form by Libra, takes a very long time to come out as a person.

♡ Appearance - A very androgynous Manakete. Hair is sky blue and typically kept at a medium length, the bangs covering the upper half of his face. His eyes tend to be closed in the rare moments they're visible, so his eye colour is unknown. Similarly to Xane, his dragon form is missing and instead replaced with an ability to shapeshift, his most common form being that of a tuxedo cat. He often uses part of this form to hide that he's a Manakete, replacing his ears so much that it's special to be able to see his actual ears.

♡ Background - No one really knows, and he doesn't either! During New Mystery of the Emblem, he joins the 7th Platoon as a stray cat after seeing Gordin from a distance and falling in love, only revealing himself after saving Luke from an ambush. In Awakening, he once again joins the main characters as a cat before eventually revealing himself to Libra.

Later, he gets pulled in as the Summoner during Heroes, as the universe is aware he isn't actually from the Fire Emblem world.

  • Some of his closest friends are L'Arachel, Joshua, Marth, f!Kris, and Libra. He likes to hang out with Cormag, Ephraim, and Kellam, but isn't particular close with either of them. Finds Tharja interesting but knows better than to approach
  • Has a crush(???) on Joshua and L'Arachel, falls in love with Gordan
  • Often settles for wearing spare tunics and pants, though he may occasionally "borrow" others' clothes for fun
  • There's some tension between him and Xane over their different form changing situations
  • Gets along with Tiki, who calls him "Fry-fry" (freh-freh)
  • Heavily considers Libra a father figure and is absolutely broken in timelines where Libra dies