Grubbo's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

Birdsblood Global Rules

Please do not resell my designs for more than they were bought for (unless they have extra art).
A character's og value will be listed in the ownership list. If "Trade" is listed, it doesn't have a value.

You are free to heavily redesign without my permission.
Do whatever you want with them lol I do not care

If the design is from a closed species, you are free to redesign/void them without my permission.

I would prefer if you didn't private my designs, but fine if you do.

If an Akirr, please read the species' terms of service before accepting offers/offering:
If you see anyone trading an Akirr that is breaking these guidelines, please message me.


Please do NOT trade my designs to the people below. Feel free to DM for reasoning

JaggerTheLeonin / vlad.dracula (discord)