Odaix Iaoth



1 year, 26 days ago


How can you save someone, anyone, when all you do is hurt them? When you reach out and take what they don't offer? All she ever wanted was to help, but as anxiety crawls in and her skin prickles she finds herself claiming things that have never been offered.

Her sister is a cripple because of her. When the fighting grew too loud and her sister panicked Odaix had--


Hugs, they're supposed to help, aren't they? She had tugged her sister close. Offered lies. But then the screams got too close. The entire house rattled. Lights flickered. Her sister cried and Odaix clung harder as her heart raced. Skin merged as she shifted, bringing her sister closer and closer until they were practically inseparable. 

That was a lie, of course. Once the violence quieted and the air still Odaix pulled back and her sister screamed.

Sometimes, your best intentions aren't good enough.

Sometimes, you hurt those you try to save.

Odaix doubts she'll ever truly be able to become a hero. But she'll try. It's the least she can do after all the agony she has brought upon her younger sister who still looks at her as if Odaix is the one who hung the stars.