


1 year, 22 days ago


✦ General ✦

A young mafioso that quickly rose through the ranks, making many jealous. His past is shrouded in mystery and trying to uncover it means making an enemy of him.

✦ Background ✦

Hyato was born a girl, raised on a small farm. Besides himself, there was his mother - a shell of a woman that no longer knew who she was, his father - an insecure coward that could not stand up for his own wife and child, his little uncle - a petty coward that only looked for conflict, his big uncle - a ruthless coward that stepped on others to save himself, and his grandfather - an overbearing ex-military man that thought himself a king.
The grandfather demanded unconditional respect and obedience, and nothing and noone was ever good enough for him, and his sons sought to make eachother's lives worse - if they could not earn his approval, they would make it so the others couldn't either. Hyato was caught in the crossfire of this power struggle, used as a tool for his father to curry favour, while his uncles found faults at him at every opportunity. His grandfather, meanwhile, had very strict expectations and ideas of what a girl should be, and enforced them on Hyato with an iron fist.
Talking or playing with boys got him called a whore; not wanting to wear dresses got his clothes torn up; playing too loudly got him beaten; speaking without permission got him beaten; expressing an oppinion got him beaten; trying to be himself got him beaten. Hyato was not a girl, but he couldn't imagine being able to handle this even if he was.
He desperately wished he could be what his grandfather wanted so he wouldn't be treated this way, wished he was someone else, somewhere else, to Not Have To Deal With This. Every punishment made him feel further and further away from his own body, events blended together, time flowed strangely...
And suddenly it was the summer after 7th grade, and Hyato was sitting on the dinner table, being praised by his father for being accepted in a high school in the city, and he could barely remember anything from the past 6 months besides a single unfamiliar, but clear thought - I will get us out of here.

Memories are fuzzy and unclear, so Hyato isn't sure how or why exactly it happened but eventually he realized he's no longer alone in his head. The other person had named himself Hayato, and he had been handling more and more of their life for years now. Becoming aware of him made Hyato less isolated from him - they could share memories and even speak to eachother. Turns out Hayato had a plan - if they got away from the farm and studied in the city, they could get a job, get money, and move out permanently.

This turned out to be much easier said than done, as most places wouldn't hire a 14-year-old, especially not without parental permission; the ones that did were truly not worth it. But Hayato was relentless - despite his family's strick supervision and the long travel time that ate up his days, he kept looking for a way to make money.
One thursday evening a strange woman in beautifu clothing approached him at the run down bus stop for the countryside. 

"Little boy" she said "I heard you're looking for work. How about you deliver something for me?"