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8 years, 7 months ago


Owner Creator Designer

Full Name: Unknown/None
Alias: Lügner
Gender: Genderfluid (they/them)
Orientation: Unestablished

Species: Bio-Engineered Artificially Intelligent Clone (Bio-Android)
Height: 6'10" (male) 5'10" (female)
Weight: Fluctuates depending on density manipulation and form


Personality is kind of a work in progress for Lügner, since their initial programming was intended exclusively for combat. While all of that has since been wiped clean, they must 'learn' the intricacies of emotion, culture, and opinion just as any artifical intelligence would. While there are some underlying 'cues' still intact, such as an affinity for order, direction, and a prowess in battle, interpersonal relationships are very new. They are fond of meeting and learning about Natural Biologicals, and has even grown attached to their mercenary companions, but some argue that this is merely a machine following direction and do not trust that Lügner feels anything at all. 


Lügner is a biologically engineered entity, originating from a previously extinct bio-luminescent species of alien known for its ability to adapt and survive in harsh climate changes. They are genderfluid, possessing both a male and female form which they can alter between at will. While both forms are inordinately skilled, their female form is exceptionally agile and fast, whereas their male form is incredibly strong and durable. They generally switch between forms various times during combat to best make use of their skills.

While originally created for combat assistance, the transport shuttle they were aboard for assignment was ambushed by enemies and destroyed, with Lügner ending up drawn into the gravitational regulator of a foreign space station and all previous programming erased. With no memory, they wound up adopted into a group of alien mercenaries and treasure hunters. These aliens recognized Lügner's bioluminescent parts as those of a legendary extinct species, and sought to help them discover their origins. Little did they know that Lügner had a galacticly-domineering militant power searching for them.


Physical Prowess
  • Exceptional physical strength, capable of lifting a short-range shuttle with ease
  • Durable enough to withstand solid ammunition and physical blows
  • Exceptional agility and reflexes, capable of reacting to gunshots
  • Capable of running speeds around 70-70mph (~110kmh)
DensityCan manipulate density to allow for heavier blows, or to be lighter on their feet. Can also use this skill to go undetected by motion-based censor systemsSee Male form
Limb Traits
  • Cybernetic arm contains a retractable tesla-gun; built in super-computer access; fingertips can sync with technology for hacking purposes
  • Bioluminescent arm/tail can grow longer, thicker, and regrow if severed 
See Male form
  • Does not need to breathe or eat, allowing for acclimation to even the harshest of environments. 
  • Can survive the vacuum of space
See Male form

Other Facts: 

  • Does not speak and instead communicates through various wavelengths and vibrations. While at best this sounds similar to a feline's purr, this also allows them to communicate through certain forms of technology using any pre-programmed VI voice. They at some point upgrade their cybernetic arm with a built-in voice modulator for easier communication.
  • Their eye is not so much an eye as it is an intricate, morphable cluster of membranes. This 'eye' can separate into several eyes for keener sight, and also doubles as their teeth, allowing sustenance and matter to enter the body for digestion. 
  • The head is Lügner's greatest weak spot (as is true for many species). While wounds to other body parts have a great chance of survival, substantial-enough trauma to the head will kill them. 
  • Certain forms of radiation will cause their bioluminescent parts to 'melt', weakens them considerably, and extended exposure will kill them.
  • Not built for stealth, Lügner cannot 'turn off' the glow of their bioluminescent parts and thus does not hide very well.

 Species Facts:

  • Lügner's biology was developed on the basis of the extinct Rayos species; bioluminescent aliens known for their ability to alter their physiology to adapt to harsh climates and atmospheres. They were an incredibly advanced species, responsible for the technological and intellectual advancement of countless species across the galaxy. They were a species that existed for thousands of years, until at one point some 200 years ago, they simply ceased to exist. Their home planet, Saytiam, was left abandoned and empty--sprawling metropolises and intricate civilizations becoming ghost towns. No one knows what happened to the Rayos, but they have become a species of legend and revere, due to their influence in the galaxy. 
  • Rayologists are individuals from different species across the galaxy who were fascinated enough by the Rayos to study the species, their legacy, and their disappearance. Many occupy Saytiam and study the artifacts there. 
  • While there have been various attempts at cloning the Rayos using salvaged DNA samples from Saytiam, Lügner was the first and only successful experiment--and only when altered with other samples. 
  • Physically, the Rayos were impressively tall, ranging from 7-8' tall, with bodies of pure black flesh, devoid of hair. Their limbs and eyes were bioluminescent, resembling gel, while in reality being as solid and hard as stone. They could alter their bodies slightly, whether it be forming hard constructs on the surface of their skin, or losing significant body weight to better endure the environment. They communicated telepathically and possessed incredible psychic abilities. 
  • There are still those alive that remember the Rayos, many even knowing Rayos personally. The mysterious disappearance of the species--even of those individuals not on Saytiam--was considered a great loss to many that some have yet to fully cope with. There are days of remembrance, and it has become a somewhat spiritual or religious experience to travel to Saytiam and spend a period of time living among the Rayos technology.