
5 years, 11 months ago


Mist, Trans (FTM), He/Him 30yrs

Mist joined the military when he still identified as female (old design of Mist) and worked his way up to being the leader of a small unit. Began to transition during his time in the military and generally everyone was very supportive. Really enjoyed the teamwork and sense of place he had in the military but had to leave due a leg injury, which also resulted in him frequently needed to use a walking stick. Now he works in a bakery and provides a support network to those who need it (i.e leaving military, ex-convicts, poor mental health).

His main hobby outside of work is learning how to sword fight.


-very positive and jubilant, always trying to make people smile

-an overall positive outlook on life, not sue to a lack of hardship but despite the hard things he experienced

-is very much capable of having those harder conversations, and is never insensitive to the pain someone may be experiencing but generally believes that you should seek out happiness as no one else is going to hand it to you

general design traits;

-has a large scar over one eye (don't know my left & right sorry)

-box dyed purple hair (he did it himself it doesn't look perfect but he likes it)

-can draw with little scraggily bits of facial hair but please not a full beard ect

-big combat boots

-can draw with a walking stick (solid black) either actively using or folded up in a bag just in case, or sometimes prefers to lean on sword

-if chest is visible you MUST draw top surgery scars

art to get;

-headshot or half body with trans pride flag


-sipping coffee of in a sunny coffee shop