


6 years, 28 days ago






Human (formerly)

Residence"Bottomless Pit" at the center of the Moon
OccupationStealing everyFUCKINGthing

"Et tollet omnia"


Klepto's original form is not often, if ever, seen by humans, but the other gods know that their true form takes the shape of a morphing icosahedron with their halo spinning around it. Even to the gods it is unknown if this is Kleptos true physical form, or if its some sort of manifestation of their angry human soul or what, but whenever they appear to anyone in this form, they mean business.

Klepto's main form is more humanoid looking, their head has short cut silver-blue hair with a small ponytail, and their black spiked halo floating above them. They have a single eye with blue irises with black sclera that takes up the central portion of their face, with tiny little holes surrounding it.  It has been seen that these tiny holes can expand, looking a lot like a lotus water lily seed pod, which tends to trigger any trypophobics who witness them putting objects in these openings. Klepto claims that the openings are "mouths" and their head is actually some sort of storage.

They have bandages covering the bottom half of their face. Underneath, the upper set teeth seem to have been replaced by thick bug like appendages that curve down their chin. The bug-legs are pressed down against their face when the bandages are on.

Their body is slightly skeletal looking, sporting 4 arms, each hand having 7 fingers, 2 skinny human legs that end in hooves. Bandages cover a good portion of their body, which hides all the stanky bony parts.


Klepto does not really speak, so they tend to be very expressive in their body language. Among the other gods and mortals, Klepto is known to be a mischievous and thrill-seeking demi-god who loves to play games and trick others. They are seen by the other gods to kind of annoying, as they have a tendency to pick on others for fun. It is not uncommon to see Klepto getting chased by pissed off victims of their pranks and sometimes getting in a physical fight, which ends up destroying a mountain or two nearby.  

Gods and mortals alike find Klepto's obsession with stealing as trivial, and something they just do for fun. In truth, Klepto is a materialist to their very core. They don't remember much about their human life, but the thing they do remember is that they had absolutely nothing, so now they want everything, and will definitely take whatever risk there is to get that object. Klepto is known to steal objects and living beings to be kept as pets, but they are also known to being able to temporarily steal memories and abilities from other creatures and gods as well. They don't understand emotional connections too well, if they can't physically have it on their being in any shape or form they do not care for it, but it is possible to make a connection with them, it just takes for-fucking-ever, and because of their deceitful and childish nature its gonna take a patience that spans eons.

They reside at the center of Earth's Moon, where they store all of their possessions in what the other gods call a bottomless pit, due to it being so dark and seemingly infinite. Klepto has allowed others to enter their domain, and most would describe it as a run down and over hoarded storage unit filled with trinkets and garbage that one could easily get lost in. Klepto does somehow find peace in chaos; to them, clutter is the best form of organization. They have demonstrated to know exactly what is in that pit, and has been able to sort through everything to find exactly what they were looking for. If even the world's first paper-clip went missing, they'll know.



They can't remember much of anything from their past life as a human. Their mind is mixed up with many other mortal and immortal thoughts and memories, so they can't really sort that part of themselves out. The one memory that does continuously pop up was them being a forsaken human who got killed for...something. They remember being wrapped up and dumped in a very dark place, but not much else. They do remember the feeling of tiny little feet touching them all over. Whatever it was that happened, they were very angry about it, and decided to come back out of pure spite, but after centuries passed, they don't remember at all why they were so angry, so now they just vibe


  • Klepto does not usually speak, reason being so is because their voice has been said to sound like an omniscient screaming choir of angry men and children. This tends to frighten anyone who isn't an ethereal being, so they prefer to only communicate with people they are really close to...which isn't many
  • They have a fascination for human socks, and likes to piss off humans by taking one single sock from its pair.
  • Klepto has stolen humans and put them in the bottomless pit before. They like to refer to them as their ant farm where they observe how they survive their dumpster land.
  • They never learned how to read in life, but from stealing so many memories they ended up knowing some languages
  • They enjoy jumping around the debris that makes up Saturn's rings
  • Klepto ironically doesn't enjoy the act of stealing...more like, it's just something they have to do, but their  persistent materialism has made them known for it. They could have been known as the god of trinkets and trickery, but their skill at thievery has made them infamous. 
  • Intrigued by human's capability of language and art, they have stolen some historical artifacts that humans consider "lost"
  • When something is taken from them, they will fight to the death to get that particular object back
  •  Their true form is 2 ft tall, while their more humanoid form appears as 6'5ft, but it is subject to change.
  • Klepto does not have an "official" human form. They don't know what they used to look like and are unable to make up an appearance,  so they resort to stealing "faces" from humans. The souls of the victims who were stolen from are doomed to stay on Earth until they get their face back.
  • Klepto is open to exchanging trinkets with others if theyre very close. So long as they have something Klepto wants and is of equal value, they're okay with giving up some items
  • Sounds Klepto makes when:
  • Likes 
    • Objects and trinkets
    • Exploring planets
    • bugs
    • Hide n Seek
    • Human art and literature
    • Furbies 
    • Tali
    • Merry 
    • Men-Men
    • Temere 
    • Catalyst 
    • Oblivion
    • the world's first paper clip
    • Making friends
    • Mars and Saturn

  • Dislikes  :
    • Their bandages 
    • forgetting 
    • They don't remember who they were in life but they have an innate hatred of it
    • Cruelty 
    • Libidin 
    • Luxus
    • Eba
    • People taking their things without permission 
    • Earth? Kind of?

profile html by Hukiolukio