Monster Adopts Batch For Sale




Heyo! ^^

I've made a batch of 4 unique monster adopts!

If you are interested, simply comment to claim!!

I will only take USD for these designs, and I only use PayPal!! Please do NOT value them higher than purchased for without extra purchased art/other from anyone!

Buying a design gets you a profile with an individual shot of them, extra art can be added for more money! The prices will be listed below:

1. Forest Spider $10

2. Jelly Kitty $5

3. Double Sided $7

4. Forest Guardian $10

Extra heads can be added for $3

Extra halves can be added for $5

Extra doodle fulls can be added for $5

Extra fulls can be added for $7

Refs or fullscenes can be added for $10

I would really appreciate anyone buying designs I took time into, it really helps me alot! ^^