"Lotz" Lottzo Cash



1 year, 22 days ago



Lottzo Cash
Paper Bag
CEO of "Buy-The-Way" and Gallerist for Palette Ballet
Big profit, trophies, valuables
Giving hand-outs, losing money

65531268_KQbrsXh6wi80b8Y.png"Do you even earn enough to be breathing the same air as me? Out of my face, kid."

One of the most materialistic beans you will meet. Lotz did not grow up with even a percent of the money he is known for now, but he vowed to make the world remember his name the moment his mom passed away when he was a young sprout. He'd became an orphan, and a rather awkward kid at that. He had a special interest in paper crafts and art in general, though, he had trouble getting along with some of the other kids in the orphanage due to his excessive talking and sensitive nature when it came to any sort of rejection. He wanted to be loved, and what better way to do that than to make a name for himself, one that all those who have rejected him will be unable to ignore any longer.

By the time he was an adolescent, he had already been working odd jobs for some years and raised up enough money to rent out a run down shack which he would attempt to sell some woodcut pieces, paper mache and odds and ins along side his art. While most his pieces didn't take off, an unexpected piece he'd made that was simply based on the paper bags he'd seen when traveling to the human realm was the odd piece that did catch plenty of eyes for its reusability and usefulness in carrying groceries which was especially helpful since his shack so happened to be located near the farmer's market! He quickly made a decent enough profit to be able to buy out the shack and afford to make some small renovations to it!

He continued creating the bags, yet, in the process and as he accumulated more funds, more and more forests were becoming mangled in the wake of his "greatness". Lotz didn't mind the cost the forest had to pay for his carelessness and carried on until he became a business tycoon in the world of Griffia! After he gained enough money that he could pay to have 'yes-men', it became no issue in buying out art galleries in all three nations, Beania, Capria and Fluffia where he would establish some of his woodcut pieces alongside some of the most premium art he could get his paws on. 

profile html by Hukiolukio