Princess Ayumi



1 year, 3 months ago



Race Zora

Zora type Milotic Varient

Residence The Coral Citadel

Royal Status Princess


Zora Princess milotic

Ayumi is a blend of grace, intelligence, and compassion. She is deeply empathetic and always attuned to the needs and emotions of her people. Her mysterious aura and unique appearance have earned her the admiration and respect of the Zora. Despite her royal status, she is approachable and often mingles with her subjects, listening to their stories and concerns.


Princess Ayumi was born into the royal family of The Coral Citadel, the daughter of King Zyndor and Queen Sorenth. She is a kind, selfless leader, a loving friend, and always willing to help her people. Her laughter can brighten up a whole room and she is known as the shining pearl of her kingdom.

Ayumi’s upbringing was steeped in the rich traditions and history of The Coral Citadel. She was educated in the arts, diplomacy, and leadership responsibilities. Her grandmother, Ryndara, played a significant role in her education, sharing stories of the kingdom’s past and instilling in her a deep respect for their heritage

Despite her royal duties, Ayumi found solace in the natural beauty of the underwater world. She often explored the coral formations and interacted with the diverse marine life, developing a profound connection to her environment. This connection influenced her approach to governance, emphasizing sustainability and harmony with nature.



King Zyndor

Ayumi has a strong bond with her father, although the weight of the crown is a reminder of her royal duties. Her father always made sure to give her the time to grow into the princess she was.


Queen Sorenth.

She gets most of her gentleness and compassion from her mother, she learned how to wield a sword from her and is still training to be a great swordswoman like her mother


Princess Anvoria

Her oldest sister and heir to the throne, she sometimes doesn't see her sister as much as they used to when they were younger but they still try to maintain a close bond.


Prince Krynnix

The prophet, or her brother, is more of a stranger to her than the rest of her family as she doesn't quite understand his prophecies or constant muttering. She is concerned for his wellbeing as her brother is often alone and never spends time with the rest of the family.


Prince Acamas

The youngest brother of the royal family, the two are often found roughhousing with each other or getting into pranks.



Ayumi finds Bon rather intruing for a zora, she's interested in what the giant's life is like beneath the deepest part of the ocean's waters are like. She gives him treats form her kingdom, to the point where she ends up cooking the treats herself and giving them to Bon. Her family doesn't know of Bon just yet but she would often bring little trinkets form her kigndom for this giant zora, it brings her a warm smile when she sees how happy the giant is whenever it is given something.


She stepped down as Queen after her son, King Zyndor, came of age and let him continue the peaceful rule. Ayumi looks up to her grandmother a lot and hopes to be like her one day.
