Timothy Belle



1 year, 11 days ago


Needed Info
First Name: Timothy
Last Name: Belle
Species: Fae

Height: 5'4 (HIS ASS IS SHORT .)
Birth Gender: Male
Gender: Male
Birth Date: September 4th
Zodiac Sign (Optional): Virgo
Chest Size (Optional): Tiny  
Status (Optional): Alive
Sexuality: Gay
Likes (Optional): winter, watching movies with his brother, snow-globes
Dislikes (Optional): competition, miniature houses

School: NRC
Year: 2
Dormitory: Diasomnia
Class: 2-A
Club: Mountain lovers club
Best Subject: Flying
Hobbies: Tinkering, BEING A HATER  
Pet Peeves: being ignored
Favorite Food: Cake
Least Favorite Food: seafood
Talent: Able to fix any item

Dominant Hand: Right
Homeland: Briar Valley
Family: Peri Belle (brother)
Nicknames: Mister Belle, Tim
Pronouns: He/They
Personality Type: He doesn't speak much, usually only speaking to people he knows. He has a really bad temper which he can't really control. It flares up, esp when a certain someone is around. Tim is really protective of his brother Peri. He only recently learned they were related and now like clings to him.  
Signature Spell: Time to tinker! He's able to use any item in the area to create a weapon. They break pretty easily. Other: uhmm he's so silly, he says like one thing and refuses to elaborate. He also loves the winter but when he's out for too long he like gets weak and sick.

i'll draw him to replace the picrew later. and ill use a code later
