


1 year, 10 days ago


She is so silly! (And ever so slightly Joan of arc coded)

So imagine this, your names viola, in a nonspecific time period 1400s-1600s (I have no idea, to be real though this plot is solely vibes) in a small county in Spain, and you need to survive, and man the peasant life is NOT cutting it.

So what do you do? You need to befriend the dowager countess with no heirs, so one day when her ladyship is out on the town hanging with the poor you end up catching her eye and bam, you're a lady in waiting, why? She says she “is in need of a trusted friend in court” she even gives you a pretty ruby red necklace! but truth is she’s really manipulating you to steal your life force!!! And the necklace is her tool to do so!!! Not cool!!!

(anyways viola is madly in love with the countess, and it is tragically one sided, but that doesn't stop the countess from using it to her advantage.)

And one day her kingdom starts catching on, but poor viola is still down BAD for her majesty, and you try and defend her from the oncoming rebels, but she ends up taking the last of violas life force and she turns to stone! Again, not cool your majesty!!!

The statue of the “lady knight” is marveled at in the modern day as a (insert whatever time period) masterpiece, until it mysteriously goes missing.

Some people say it was the work of a notorious band of art thieves that had been targeting the museums in the era, but imagine their surprise when one of their scores comes alive 

so post statue era how does viola become human again? well those Thieves in their absolute silliness, they were reveling in their art heist they draped their scores (mainly old jewelry!) on the lady night statue! one of the necklaces unbeknownst to the team was *magic* reverses the effects of the countess's magic.

then bam found family era for viola,

in the modern world Shes a bit eccentric, she had a habit of wearing loads of jewelry because of her deep-seated fear of become a statue again and given the combination of being a fish out of water and being adopted into a band of thefts she could either be wearing a million-dollar pair of earrings or like a ton of Mardi gras beads.

 and although she couldn't see or really perceive the world around her while a statue she could hear! (Angst ensue babes)

here's some design notes!

so obliviously theirs a lot of European medieval/Historic kind of smash together! because I am silly and didn't want to be historically accurate. 

but one of my favorite design elements consist through a lot of the dress is the triangle pattern on the bottom of the skirt, I would imagine this as some sort of embroidery on the hems, that viola would do to brighten up her own dresses when she was bored, since she's not a high-born society woman who had anyone to teach her the pattern is fairly simple. and when she was in the modern world, she embroidered her skirts again for a sense of normalcy! 

Color Story!!!

violas colors are Blue Green and Gold and she starts as a dark grey blue and she turns to wearing red when she joins the countess's court.

the countess is defined and show with the color red (white and sliver)! especially with the necklace ( a combination of their colors gold and red!) she gives viola, it's a token that viola takes as the countess' love when really it a symbol of control. post stone she is seen mainly in reds because she still sees herself as a extension of the countess, and it isn't until she realizes how she was used by the countess she starts to separate herself from that and she dress mainly in her own colors (blues and greens!)

when violas human again she even looks for the necklace, the countess gave her in museum heist and when that falls short, shes looking for she ends up collecting any ruby ish jewelry she can find!