


1 year, 17 days ago


Celestial being, neutral aligned

Hates dirt, gore, grime, etc. He puts in a lot of effort to keep himself and his clothes clean. Even if he can magic away any stain, the memory would still be there. 

He doesn't mind a messy kill as long as it's far enough away from him that it won't splash onto him at all. 

Sometimes tasked with passing judgement or outright assassinating targets already judged guilty. The morality of the celestials may sometimes differ from human morality, though, and he can be seen as cruel at times. 

Cold outer shell, doesn't start conversations often, and has an air of disdain. If you are patient and keep working at him, he's been known to be more open and warmer to those he's grown fond of. 

Tends to not take beings with lower lifespans or less power seriously. He often treats them as an adult would treat a child, or simply as a lower less advanced species. If he takes a liking to someone like that, it's more likely he sees them as a pet or small animal. 

Has a beast form, but he doesn't take it very often, as it's hard to wear clothes in that form.